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Postconflict Development: Meeting New Challenges

Journal Articles & Books
January, 2008

With the proliferation of civil wars since the end of the Cold War, many developing countries now exist in a "postconflict" environment, posing enormous development challenges for the societies affected, as well as for international actors. Postconflict Development addresses these challenges in a range of vital sectors—security, justice, economic policy, education, the media, agriculture, health, and the environment in countries around the globe.

Local land tenure administration : the case of the land tenure office in Ankilizato commune - AD2M

Reports & Research
January, 2008
In a country where most people live from the land, land tenure law is of vital importance. However, it is a thorny and still largely unresolved issue. For more than a century, the Malagasy State has been the sole owner and manager of most of the country’s territory – unregistered land – which has meant a general insecurity for poor farmers without the means to purchase a title deed.

Zoning for Sustainable Resource Use at the Livestock, Wildlife, Environment Interface

Policy Papers & Briefs
January, 2008

In most areas within the livestock wildlife environment interface, nomadism by pastoralists is gradually being replaced by sedentarism and migration corridors are closed by settlements from the ever-increasing human population. Faced by a reducing pasture resource and yet slow to adopt de-stocking, pastoralists have now embraced the practical and novel ‘Conservancy’ concept in order to earn from tourism and subsidise income from livestock. However, sustaining wildlife on pasture land is a challenge that has now found a solution in the form of conservancy zonation schemes.

UNDP paper discusses ‘Decentralization and Women’s Rights to Land’

Reports & Research
January, 2008

[adapted from UNDP] May, 2008- This UNDP discussion paper ‘Pro-Poor Land Tenure Reform and Democratic Governance’ provides a review of how different types of land tenure reform relate to decentralization and local governance, in theory and in practice.  The discussion suggests that in order to create more democratic and transparent local management of land resources, special mechanisms to protect women against direct and indirect discrimination, as well as the establishment of local land committees and land tribunals for conflict resolution are needed.

Agros International white paper: a review of land reform methods

December, 2007

This white paper looks at one example of private land reform, Agros International, within the context of the global and historical scope of land reform methods.The paper states that methods of land reform can be understood within three general categories: government-directed reform, popular social mobilization, and market -based reform. However, despite the many benefits of secure land access, the application of effective land reform has proven difficult and rare.

Crisis in Kenya: land, displacement and the search for 'durable solutions'

December, 2007

This policy brief explores the importance of land issues in forced displacement in Kenya, drawing out their implications for current humanitarian and early recovery interventions in the wake of the violence and displacement that followed the 2007 elections. Key messages nclude: current post-election displacement in Kenya is not a new phenomenon but a recurring trend linked to unresolved land grievances, in a context of poor governance and socio-economic insecurity.

Good Governance And Natural Resources Tenure In Eastern Europe And Cis Region

Reports & Research
December, 2007

Good governance is worldwide recognized as an important precondition for resolution of the most of troublesome problems of humanity; its role is tremendous in eradication of poverty and promotion of development. This study aims to provide a reflection of policies, status and trends of governance in the region of Eastern Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The emphasis is made on governance in land and natural resources tenure and administration

How to establish an effective land sector

Manuals & Guidelines
December, 2007

This guide presents a general overview on institutional harmonisation processes, i.e. the various factors and tools included in fostering institutional harmonisation in a sector. The experiences informing this document mainly result from the tacit knowledge of the land sector in Kenya by UN-Habitat and the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN). They are complemented by experiences from other sectors (such as water, governance and decentralisation), African countries and from state as well as nonstate actors.