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Ministerial Policy Statement Financial Year 2007/2008

Legislation & Policies
May, 2007

Despite the challenges and constraints faced by my Ministry in the last financial year, we were able to register major achievements which include; commencement of the process of consultation on the development of a National Land Policy; submission of the Mortgage Bill to Parliament, approval of the National Land Use Policy by Cabinet; preparation to launch Global Campaigns on Secure Tenure and Good Governance; piloting Systematic Demarcation in Iganga district where 785 parcels of land were prepared; aerial mapping of selected towns in West Nile region; completion of the first phase of the

Sharing the Wealth: Policy and Legal Frameworks to Support Equitable Sharing of Costs and Benefits from Community Forestry

Conference Papers & Reports
May, 2007
South-Eastern Asia

Community forestry has great potential to improve the welfare of the estimated 450 million impoverished people living in and around forests in Asia. But the extent to which this potential is realized depends strongly upon whether communities are able to secure the benefits that community managed forests generate, and whether these actually reach the poorest at the community level. The real benefits obtained in return for the time and energy expended by communities in forest management helps to gain their long-term commitment to sustainable forest management.

Righting The Wrongs: Historical Injustices and Land Reforms in Kenya

Policy Papers & Briefs
May, 2007

For historical reasons, Kenya inherited a highly skewed system of land ownership at independence in 1963. British colonialism in Kenya was not merely administrative. Rather, it was accompanied by massive and widespread land alienation for the benefit of settler agriculture. As a result the best agricultural land-the White Highlands and the adjacent rangelands were taken from the Africans, without compensation, and parceled out to white settlers. Colonial legislation was enacted to legalize this process.

Forced migration/internal displacement in Burma - with an emphasis on government-controlled areas

Reports & Research
April, 2007

This report is a preliminary exploration of forced migration/internal displacement in Burma/Myanmar in two main areas. The first is the status in terms of international standards, specifically those embodied in the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, of the people who leave home not because of conflict or relocation orders, but as a result of a range of coercive measures which drive down incomes to the point that the household economy collapses and people have no choice but to leave home.

Institutional Framework for Land Administration and Management in Kenya

Policy Papers & Briefs
April, 2007

Institutional framework for land administration and management being a whole set of services that make the land tenure system within Kenya socially, ecologically and economically relevant and operational has generally failed to operationalise the general functional components of land administration i.e. juridical, regulatory, fiscal, cadastral and adjudicative, efficiently. This is because land administration structures and infrastructures are perceived as factors external to the land tenure system itself.

Civil Society Position on The Draft National Land Policy

Policy Papers & Briefs
March, 2007

The Civil Society commends the Ministry of Lands for spearheading the important process of developing the Draft National Policy, and affirms that land is central to the livelihoods of most Kenyans and as such its access, use, ownership, administration and distribution are of key national concern. Thus, having critically examined the Draft Policy we do hereby make our position on the way forward on the salient policy proposals of the Draft National Land Policy document.

Overview of urban land as a commodity in South Africa: research findings and recommendations

January, 2007
South Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa

Urban land can be defined as a commodity that is traded or as a right that is used to obtain access to urban amenities. Both are important components of urban land. Land is considered to be a commodity when it is bought and sold freely and a right to which all members of society should have access whether they are rich or poor. This report provides an analysis of both the formal and informal property markets for urban land in South Africa.

A Study on the Impact of National Policies, Processes on Pastoralism in Tanzania

Reports & Research
January, 2007

Pastoralism has suffered untold abuses in the implementation of national policy and laws before in the incorporation of bills of rights in the constitution. These provisions allowed freedom of association that enable formation of CSOs and NGOs, some of which based their interventions into policies and legal issues that denied pastoralists of the rights to engage into livelihood processes through access to, management of, and benefit from land and resources entailed in them.

Koija Starbeds Ecolodge: A Case Study of a Conservation Enterprise in Kenya.

Reports & Research
January, 2007

Conservation enterprises are commercial activities designed to create benefit flows that support a conservation objective. The Koija ‘Starbeds’ Ecolodge was created jointly by a community group, a private sector partner and the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) to help protect a critical wildlife corridor and habitat along the Ewaso Nyiro River in the Samburu Heartland ( Many conservation enterprises claim success mainly based on their noble intentions,

Beyond Group Ranch Subdivision: Collective Action, Livestock Mobility, Ecological Viability and Livelihoods

Reports & Research
January, 2007

This paper leverages datasets and results from two separate studies carried out across eight Kajiado group ranches and offers a unique opportunity to look at emergent pre- and postsubdivision trends from an interdisciplinary framework that combines ecological, political, and human-ecological research perspectives. It provides insights into the following issues: the loss of flexibility and mobility for Maasai herders’ dues to subdivision, the nature of collective activities that individuals pursue after subdivision, and the emergence of pasture sharing arrangements.

Drawing a line under the crisis: Reconciling returnee land access and security in postconflict Rwanda

Reports & Research
January, 2007

This report is part of a broader comparative effort by the Overseas Development Institute’s Humanitarian Policy Group on Land Tenure in Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations, which aims to inform and improve the policy and practice of humanitarian action and to inform related areas of international policy. It seeks to understand how land issues affect and are affected by violence and conflict resolution, what responses are appropriate and what lessons can be learned from specific contexts of land tenure interventions, both during and after conflict.