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Land Emerges, Land Disappears: Char Dwellers Continue Fighting for Land Tenure Security

Reports & Research
September, 2023

This case study shows the challenge of securing land rights and land tenure security among a sector of Bangladesh’s landless poor whose claim to land is among the most tenuous in the world — the char dwellers. Their settlement on land that was created by river erosion and could at any time disappear in the same way provides a compelling case for the grant by the government of land rights that are not presently provided for by current land laws. The increasing risk of disasters, particularly flooding, threatens char dwellers equally if not more than other landless poor.

Beyond Land Titles: Pastoralists Find Security Amid Climate Change in Community Land Governance Mechanisms: A Case Study of How Stronger Local Community Land Governance Promotes the Climate Resilience of Local and Indigenous Communities in Kenya

Reports & Research
September, 2023

This case study presents the unique example of pastoralist communities in Kenya who had traditionally been able to rely on their customary land governance systems to ensure their access to grazing land and to help them sustain their livelihoods in the face of drought. However, land laws that were passed by the colonial and post-colonial administrations in Kenya progressively replaced customary structures and practices with artificial formal/legal structures that bore no connection to the communities’ customs.

Corruption risks in land-based solutions to climate change

Policy Papers & Briefs
September, 2023

“Nature-based” solutions to climate change require the acquisition of large swaths of land for reforestation, afforestation, conservation and renewable energy sources. However, corruption in the land sector is already widespread and this additional demand for land may aggravate pre-existing corruption risks, as well as causing new ones.

Tribunais brasileiros e o direito à consulta prévia, livre e informada.

Journal Articles & Books
September, 2023

A publicação é composta por coletâneas de decisões relativas ao direito de consulta livre, prévia e informada obtida junto aos Tribunais Regionais Federais (TRFs) de todas as regiões do país, bem como em decisões do Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ), do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) e da Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos. Além da coletânea de decisões, o livro traz um texto analítico por tribunal, onde especialistas avaliam a atuação dos tribunais no tema.


State of Land Information in Madagascar

Reports & Research
September, 2023

This report on the land data ecosystem in Madagascar is the first step towards providing a baseline and diagnostic tool to inform conversations around land and data governance. It aims to complement existing initiatives to improve the accuracy and extent of land data in Madagascar and identify opportunities to improve public access to all forms of land information.

Executive Summary: State of Land Information in Madagascar

Reports & Research
September, 2023

This report on the land data ecosystem in Madagascar is the first step towards providing a baseline and diagnostic tool to inform conversations around land and data governance. It aims to complement existing initiatives to improve the accuracy and extent of land data in Madagascar and identify opportunities to improve public access to all forms of land information.

État de l'information foncière à Madagascar

Reports & Research
August, 2023

Ce rapport sur l'écosystème des données foncières à Madagascar est la première étape vers la fourniture d'une base de référence et d'un outil de diagnostic pour informer les conversations autour de la gouvernance foncière et des données. Il vise à compléter les initiatives existantes pour améliorer la précision et l'étendue des données foncières à Madagascar et à identifier les opportunités d'améliorer l'accès du public à toutes les formes d'informations foncières.

Résumé : État de l'information foncière à Madagascar

Reports & Research
August, 2023

Ce rapport sur l’écosystème des données foncières à Madagascar est la première étape vers la fourniture d’une base de référence et d’un outil de diagnostic pour informer les conversations autour de la gouvernance foncière et des données. Il vise à compléter les initiatives existantes pour améliorer la précision et l’étendue des données foncières à Madagascar et à identifier les opportunités d’améliorer l’accès du public à toutes les formes d’informations foncières.

Forging Resilient Pathways

Reports & Research
August, 2023

This report presents the first global analysis of funding pathways in support of Indigenous Peoples’ and Local Communities’ (IPs' & LCs') tenure and forest guardianship, a project spurred by the IP & LC Forest Tenure Pledge made by 22 donors in 2021. This study, commissioned by the Ford Foundation, aims to provide practical guidance and strategic insights for Pledge donors to incorporate in the remaining years of implementation.

This project’s main objectives are to generate:

Engaging the private sector in responsible agricultural investment in Uganda, Ethiopia and Laos, Good Practice

Institutional & promotional materials
August, 2023

As part of the Global Programme Responsible Land Policy in Ethiopia, Laos and Uganda, the Responsible Governance of Investments in Land (RGIL) project, co-financed by the European Union (EU), aims to ensure that investments in land are fair, productive and contribute to sustainable land management. A key element of this is strong engagement of private investors in those processes.

Sustainable Land Governance for Water–Energy–Food Systems: A Framework for Rural and Peri-Urban Revitalisation

Journal Articles & Books
August, 2023

This research paper addresses the need for an adaptable theoretical framework in the context of sustainable land governance for Water–Energy–Food (WEF) systems, bridging the gap between international guidelines and contextual realities. The novel framework is useful to effectively tackle the intricate challenges of rural and peri-urban revitalisation in the Global South by providing a holistic approach that considers the multi-dimensional interactions of land with water, energy, and food systems.