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Second National Development Plan (NDPII) 2015/16-2019/20.

National Policies
Eastern Africa

This Plan is designed to propel Uganda towards middle income status by 2020, in line with the aspiration of Uganda’s Vision 2040. This Plan aims at strengthening Uganda’s competitiveness for sustainable wealth creation, employment and inclusive growth.This Plan prioritizes investment in five areas with the greatest multiplier effect on the economy, which are: (i) agriculture, (ii) tourism, (iii) minerals, oil and gas, (iv) infrastructure development, (v) human capital development.The Plan sets key four objectives to be attained during the five year period.

National Strategy on Lesotho’s Biological Diversity.

National Policies
Southern Africa

In order to meet the challenges of environment and development, the government of Lesotho has elaborated this National Strategy of Biological Diversity in 2000.The strategy presents the following vision: Lesotho’s diversity of life systems are supported and protected by a nation which is environmentally conscious, whose people are in balanced existence with the natural environment, while deriving in diminishing and continuing benefits from the conservation benefits from the conservation and sustainable use of its biological diversity.In order to make agriculture, forestry and fisheries more

Cooperatives Act (C.C.S.M. c. C223).

Northern America

The present Act makes provisions for the registration and organization of cooperative societies, defines their powers, privileges and duties and provides for their internal organization, management and finances, and provides for other matters relating to the functioning of cooperative societies and cooperative development.

Cooperatives Regulation (Man. Reg. 95/99).

Northern America

The present Regulations enforces provisions of the Cooperatives Act by prescribing forms and by regulating more in detail various matters mainly relating to internal organization and procedures of cooperative societies including registration; records of a co-operative society; membership and meeting of members; management and financial matters; and arbitration and other dispute resolution.

Law on the Urban Land.

Western Asia
Southern Asia

The Law, which consists of 5 articles, aims to regulate matters relating to lands, increase the land supply and adjust the land price, as one of the main causes of social wealth.The Act has been codified in line with the Principle 31 of the Iran Constitution, which consider appropriate accommodation principal right of each citizen, and in order to preserve and sustainable use of lands in the countryAccording to the Law, urban lands refers to the lands located in the legal borders of the cities and towns and Urban Abandoned Land refers to the urban land which does not have any history of con

National Land Use Policy.

National Policies
South-Eastern Asia

The National Land Use Policy aims at enhancing people’s food security, water resource development, improvement of transportation, economic and business development, and protection of environment and cultural heritage.

Executive Regulation on Law of the Urban Land.

Western Asia
Southern Asia

This Regulationt enforces the Law of Urban Land of 13 September 1987. The Regulation consists of 75 articles divided in 5 Chapters: Definitions and Regulations related to the Land Construction (I); Rules regarding Recognition of Land (II); Purchase and Ownership of Lands (III); Preparation, Construction and Transfer of Land Ownership (IV); Miscellaneous Provisions (V).The Regulation defines the concepts and explains the provisions of the Urban Land Law based on the Civil Code and other prevailing Act.

Act of the Republic of Indonesia No. 23 of 2014 on the Local Government.

South-Eastern Asia

This Act, consisting of 411 articles divided into 27 Chapters, establishes composition, duties and responsibilities of the Local Government. It specifies implementation of government affairs which will be carried out by the local government as well as related legislation according to the principles of autonomy and assistance with the broad autonomy within the system and the principles of the Republic of Indonesia as defined in the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945.

Assignment of Functions (Minister of Lands and Rural Resettlement) Notice, 2014 (S.I. 24 of 2014).

Eastern Africa

This Notice of the President assigns to the Minister of Lands and Rural Resettlement - (a) the administration of the Acts set out in the Schedule; and (b) the functions conferred or imposed on the Minister save to the extent that those functions have not been assigned to some other Minister. The list of Scheduled Acts includes the Acquisition of Farm Equipment and Material Act, the Agricultural Land Settlement Act, the Communal Land Act, the Rural Land Act and other Acts concerning land tenure.

Statute of the Urban Land Organization.

Western Asia
Southern Asia

The Act is the Statute of the Urban Land Organization as a subordinate department of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development. The main duty of the Organization is to implement the rules and regulations regarding the lands which are inside of city limits. The Organization consists of a General Assembly, a Board of Directors, an Executive Manager and an Inspector. The Statute consists of 22 articles divided into 3 chapters: General Provisions (I); Structure (II); Miscellaneous provisions (III).

Regional Law No. 3303/903-U-OZ “On management of land resources on the regional territory”.

Eastern Europe

The scope of this Regional Law shall be improvement of state regulation in the sphere of land property relations, originating in the process of ownership, tenancy and governance of land on the regional territory. Land governance shall be based upon the principles of efficiency, equity, publicity, openness and transparency. Land tenure must ensure ecosystems conservation, thus guaranteed reproductive qualities of agricultural land and forestland.

Programme d'Action National de Lutte Contre la Dégradation des Terres.

National Policies
Eastern Africa

Le PAN, contrairement aux autres programmes antérieurs de lutte contre la dégradation des terres, présente une tonalité originale découlant, d’une part, de son caractère d’instrument de mise en œuvre d’un accord international et, d’autre part, des principes directeurs qui sous-tendront le processus de sa mise en œuvre à savoir le partenariat, la participation effective de tous les acteurs et l’appréhension du problème de dégradation des terres dans son ensemble.Son objectif global est de contribuer au processus de développement durable du pays à travers le renforcement des capacités nationa