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Reconstruire en mieux

Reports & Research
May, 2020

COVID19 a gravement perturbé nos efforts communs visant à soutenir les luttes des utilisateurs locaux des terres et des communautés pour posséder, contrôler et gérer leurs terres et leurs ressources naturelles.

Plan national d’aménagement et de développement territorial (PNADT)

National Policies
May, 2020

Le présent rapport est composé, en plus de l’introduction générale, de la conclusion et de la bibliographie, de quatre parties :

• Première partie : Analyse du territoire ;

• Deuxième partie : Présentation de la vision et des orientations stratégiques ;

• Troisième partie : Propositions d’aménagement et de développement du territoire ; • Quatrième partie : Stratégie de mise en œuvre du PNADT.

Land governance arrangements in Eastern Africa: Description and comparison

Journal Articles & Books
May, 2020

This study is aimed to assess features of land governance arrangements in the Eastern Africa region. Comparative and qualitative research approach was employed to achieve the objectives of the study. The research was also conducted within the context of long standing research collaboration under the umbrella of the Eastern African Land Administration Network (EALAN). The Eastern African countries included in this study are those represented through respective institutions in the EALAN, namely: Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.

Exploring the relation between transparency of land administration and land markets: Case study of Turkey

Conference Papers & Reports
May, 2020

Land is a scarce resource, and has a big share in the economic and social life of both developing and developed countries. Efficiently operating land markets are vital in the development of countries. Information unavailability is one of the most crucial differences between land and other markets, which can lead to asymmetrical information among various parties. Land administration systems contain a vast amount of data regarding attributes of land and land markets, and the transparency of these systems control the efficiency of the land markets’ operation.

Land Governance Lost in Translation - Exploring Semantic Technologies to Increase Discoverability of New Technologies & Data

Peer-reviewed publication
April, 2020

Language and technology barriers are a very serious constraint to effectively exchange and learn from land data, information and technologies across the globe. We would like to explore whether we can gain inspiration from how semantic web technologies have overcome knowledge-sharing challenges in other sectors, such as the agriculture sector. With emerging technologies, new tools and ever-growing amounts of land data, we face a very real risk of losing the overview. Without this overview, data is much less likely to be used and thus be useful.

BTI 2020 Country Report Sri Lanka

Conference Papers & Reports
April, 2020
Sri Lanka

The period under review covers 20 months under a coalition government, a constitutional crisis and a few months when the president and the prime minister, leading different political parties, jockeyed for position. There was little political progress under the coalition government. The Office of Missing Persons was set up to investigate extra-legal disappearances and initiated some investigations. Parliament approved legislation to set up the Office of Reparations, but this is yet to be operationalized.

Violence in Nigeria’s North West: Rolling Back the Mayhem

Reports & Research
April, 2020

Nigeria’s arid North West is beset by violence between herders and farmers, which has been compounded by an explosion in criminal activity and infiltration by jihadist groups into the region. The last decade has seen thousands of people killed and hundreds of thousands displaced, with many fleeing into Niger Republic next door. State-level peace efforts with several armed factions have had some success, but these will not prove durable unless more actors lay down their weapons.

BTI 2020 Country Report Pakistan

Reports & Research
April, 2020

ABSTRACTED FROM EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The most important event in Pakistan during the period under review was the 2018 general election. This was the third general election in a row in which rival civilian individuals and parties contested each other at the ballot box for seats in the legislatures and the chance to form a government. Moreover, it was the second consecutive transfer of power from one elected civilian government to another.