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Drivers of land use complexity along an agricultural transition gradient in Southeast Asia

December, 2020

Agricultural systems in Southeast Asia are rapidly transitioning from subsistence-oriented to market-oriented agriculture. Driven by the highly complex and variable decision processes of individual farm households, these transitions have produced a diverse landscape mosaic across the region. Elucidation and characterization of underlying decision-making processes, and the factors that influence land use choices, are thus essential for sustainable land use planning.

Institutional bricolage and the (re)shaping of communal land tenure arrangements: two contrasting cases in upland and lowland northeastern Laos

December, 2020

This article examines the factors shaping communal land tenure and livelihood practices in two villages in Houaphan province, Northeastern Laos. It employs the concept of institutional bricolage to show how local actors combine communal tenure, state intervention, donor programs and local power relations to (re)shape formal rules and day-to-day land tenure and livelihood practices.

Uptake of Joint Village Land Use Planning (JVLUP) by the Government of Tanzania

December, 2020

In 2021 the Government of Tanzania released a revised edition of their manual for participatory village land use planning. The manual includes and promotes the joint village land use planning (JVLUP) approach, which ILRI has been supporting the government to develop and pilot. This will encourage the upscaling of JVLUP across the country improving the security of tenure of pastoralists and laying the foundation for improved rangeland management.

Impact of agricultural land conversion on climate change

December, 2020

Climate change and land use conversion are two major global environmental issues. A claim is made that climate change has brought new challenges for global land use, while land use conversion is hardly realized as a major driver for climate change. Using mapping techniques, this study aims to investigate the relationship between climate change and agricultural land conversion (ALC), by which land is converted from agricultural to other uses (e.g., urban areas, national and natural parks, roads, industrial areas, and afforestation projects).

Approximating soil organic carbon stock in the Eastern Plains of Colombia

December, 2020

In Colombia, the rise of agricultural and pastureland expansion continues to exert increasing pressure on the structure and ecological processes of savannahs in the Eastern Plains. However, the effect of land use change on soil properties is often unknown due to poor access to remote areas. Effective management and conservation of soils requires the development spatial approaches that measure and predict dynamic soil properties such as soil organic carbon (SOC).

Scenario guidance (narratives and national modelling) succesfully supports policy development in Lao PDR

December, 2020

The CCAFS Scenarios Project worked closely together with FAO (the SAMIS project and the Flexible Multi-Partner project) to support the government of Lao PDR (Ministry of Agriculture) in the use of scenario-based land use mapping for policy guidance, in a systemic manner focused on internal capacity for applying this scenario-based approach to multiple policies. The Lao PDR Agricultural Development Strategy 2021 to 2030 is being supported by this process.

Commune-level institutional arrangements and monitoring framework for integrated tree-based landscape management

December, 2020

Governance is a difficult task in the context of achieving landscape multifunctionality owing to the multiplicity of stakeholders, institutions, scale and ecosystem services: the ‘many-multiple’ (Cockburn et al 2018). Governing and managing the physical landscape and the actors in the landscape requires intensive knowledge and good planning systems. Land-use planning is a powerful instrument in landscape governance because it directly guides how actors will intervene in the physical landscape (land use) to gain commonly desired value.

Effect of Complex Road Networks on Intensive Land Use in China’s Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2020
United States of America

Coupled with rapid urbanization and urban expansion, the spatial relationship between transportation development and land use has gained growing interest among researchers and policy makers. In this paper, a complex network model and land use intensity assessment were integrated into a spatial econometric model to explore the spatial spillover effect of the road network on intensive land use patterns in China’s Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei (BTH) urban agglomeration.

Green Transition of Cultivated Land Use in the Yellow River Basin: A Perspective of Green Utilization Efficiency Evaluation

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2020
United States of America

Exploring the green transition of cultivated land use from the perspective of green utilization efficiency evaluation has become an important content of deepening the study of cultivated land use transition, which is of great significance to promote food security and ecological civilization construction. At present, there are few studies on the green utilization efficiency of cultivated land (GUECL), which covers the comprehensive benefits of economy, ecology and society, combined with the requirements of ecological civilization and green development.