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Identification of Good Practices in Land Conflict Resolution in Acholi

Reports & Research
October, 2011

Conflict associated with land has increased substantially following the return of peace to the Acholi Region with the return of internally displaced people (IDP), population growth, and increases in the value of land. The area is heavily dependent on agriculture and conflict related to land access seriously threatens to undermine development and the social, political and economic stability of the Acholi Region. This study involved community members, key informants, and statutory and traditional leaders in three sub counties in each of the seven Acholi districts.

Under Siege in Kachin State, Burma

Reports & Research
October, 2011

Executive Summary:
"In September 2011, as the international community discussed easing sanctions on Burma’s
military-backed civilian government, Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) conducted an emergency
investigation in Burma’s Kachin State in response to reports of grave human rights violations
in the region. The aims of the study were
1. to independently investigate reported human rights abuses and war crimes; and
2. to assess the humanitarian situation and nutritional status of internally displaced

Myanmar: Displacement in Kachin State - Humanitarian Update No. 1

Reports & Research
October, 2011

• The instability in Kachin State that started in early June 2011 has resulted in the displacement of
populations, loss of livelihoods and damages to infrastructure...
• The recently-completed joint assessment in 39 locations in Kachin State reveals urgent needs in several
sectors, including food, education, shelter, health, NFIs and water and sanitation...
• Access and delivery of assistance remain challenging

Pa'an Situation Update: June to August 2011

Reports & Research
October, 2011

This report includes a situation update submitted to KHRG in September 2011 by a villager describing events occurring in Pa'an District between June 2011 and August 2011. It details recent Tatmadaw and Tatmadaw Border Guard activity, including camp locations and troop strength, and incidents related to a forced relocation order issued to eight villages in Lu Pleh Township by Tatmadaw Border Guard units on July 15th 2011.

Tenasserim Interview: Saw T---, December 2010

Reports & Research
October, 2011

This report contains the full transcript of an interview conducted in December 2010 in Te Naw Th’Ri Township, Tenasserim Division by a villager trained by KHRG to monitor human rights conditions. The villager interviewed Saw T---, a 59-year-old village head who, at the time of interview, was in hiding from Tatmadaw troops in an area of Tenasserim Division beyond government control.

From Promise to Performance? Wildlife Management Areas in Northern Tanzania

Reports & Research
September, 2011

TNRF, UCRT and Maliasili Initiatives have published, From Promise to Performance?: Wildlife Mangement Areas in Northern Tanzania.  The summary provides an overview of findings of two studies recently carried out by TNRF on the current status and performance of three WMAs in northern Tanzania, in Arusha and Manyara regions 

Fact Finding Mission Report on Kimere Farmers Land Conflict-Mapinga

Reports & Research
September, 2011

This fact finding is based on one of the claims of a group of peri-urban dwellers in Kimere, Mapinga village in Bagamoyo District, whose land they claim have been invaded by one of the well connected elite with a view to assist them register their rights only to realise later on that he was playing a tricky game to own their land. 

Displacement and Poverty in South East Burma/Myanmar - 2011 Survey - TBBC (English)

Reports & Research
September, 2011

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (extract): Poverty alleviation has been recognised by the new government as a strategic priority for human
development. While official figures estimate that a quarter of the nation live in poverty, this survey suggests
that almost two thirds of households in rural areas of South East Burma/Myanmar are unable to meet
their basic needs. Impoverishment is particularly severe in the conflict-affected townships of Kyaukgyi
and Shwegyin in Pegu/Bago Region and Thandaung in Karen/Kayin State. Comparative analysis with

Pa'an Situation Update: April 2011

Reports & Research
September, 2011

This report contains a situation update submitted to KHRG in April 2011 and written by a villager describing events occurring in Lu Pleh and Dta Greh townships in Pa'an District between February and April 2011. It contains information on incidents of forced labour by the Tatmadaw, including the use of villagers to build huts, deliver palm leaves for thatching buildings and provide unpaid forced labour during gold-mining and logging operations.

Tenasserim Interview: Saw K---, August 2011

Reports & Research
September, 2011

This report contains the full transcript of an interview conducted by a KHRG researcher in August 2011. The KHRG researcher interviewed Saw K---, a 30-year-old medic with the Backpack Health Worker Team (BPHWT), an organisation that provides health care and medical assistance to displaced civilians inside Burma. Saw K--- described witnessing a joint attack by Tatmadaw soldiers from three different battalions on a civilian settlement in Ma No Roh village tract, Te Naw Th'Ri Township, Tenasserim Division in January 2011.

Kachin Rapid Assessment |1

Reports & Research
August, 2011

Executive Summary: "The instability in Kachin and Shan States that started in
early June 2011 has resulted in the displacement of
populations, loss of lives and livelihoods and damages
to infrastructure. The Kachin State government, local
and community]based organizations have been providing
some assistance to the displaced since the outset of
the conflict. International organizations have been
providing limited assistance through support to local
and community]based organizations, while continuing