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Caravan 31: Coping with climate change in dry areas

Reports & Research
December, 2015
Eastern Africa
Northern Africa
Central Asia
Western Asia

This issue of Caravan showcases some of ICARDA’s efforts of coping with climate change in dry areas with improved water land management and resilient production systems. These include initiatives in conservation agriculture which provide sustained production levels while conserving the ecosystems on which our entire food system is dependent upon. ICARDA continues to make significant contributions in the promotion of sustainable water land management approaches and technologies devised by researchers and farmers.

Artisanal Mining Operations and its Economic Values, Ethiopia

Reports & Research
November, 2015

A situational analysis on artisan mining was conducted in five Regional States
of Ethiopia, namely Oromia, Tigray, SNNP, Benishangul-Gumuz (BGR) and
Amhara as part of the EEITI process. The general objective of the study
is to analyze various aspects of artisan mining operations in Ethiopia, its economic
value, social contribution and social impacts. In addition, the assessment includes as
to what process could be undertaken to integrate artisan mining information into
EITI reports and EITI processes.

Rapport d’étude sur les pratiques d’expropriation, d’indemnisation, de délocalisation/réinstallation des communautés affectées par les projets miniers en Guinée

Reports & Research
November, 2015

La République de Guinée recèle d'importantes ressources naturelles dont un potentiel minier reconnu comme l’un des plus importants en Afrique, le pays concentrant à lui seul plus de la moitié des réserves mondiales de bauxite (2/3 avant les découvertes récentes de grands gisements en Asie du Sud Est), d’importants gisements de fer (9 milliards de tonnes), de l’or, du diamant, du nickel, du cuivre et du titane.

Megaminería en Uruguay: conflictos estructurantes de un nuevo campo en disputa

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2015
Latin America and the Caribbean

El objetivo del artículo será sistematizar y analizar algunas de las discusiones, planteadas como conflictos entre actores específicos, emergentes a partir de la propuesta de explotación del hierro a través de la megaminería en Uruguay. La discusión, lejos de querer analizarse en una clave simplista “megaminería si / megaminería no”, pretende abordar algunas de las implicancias de este tipo de proyecto a nivel sociopolítico, desde la perspectiva de las ciencias sociales.

Dooplaya Situation Update: Kyainseikgyi Township, March to May 2015

Reports & Research
November, 2015

This Situation Update describes events occurring in Kyainseikgyi Township, Dooplaya District between March and May 2015, including violent clashes between armed groups, injury caused by a landmine, and militarisation...

On March 10th 2015, fighting broke out between Tatmadaw Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) #549 and LIB #231, and the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA) in A--- section, M--- village, lasting for around 30 minutes. KHRG is unable to confirm whether any villagers were injured during the fighting...

Our People, Our Resources

November, 2015

This report presents a brief discussion
of indigenous peoples’ development as evidenced in a select
number of case studies about World Bank financed projects
that had a positive impact on indigenous peoples’
communities. The main objective of this study is to identify
and document good practices and lessons learned that can be
shared with World Bank staff, borrower governments, and
Indigenous Peoples’ organizations to help improve the design

Socioeconomic and Fiscal Impact of Large-Scale Gold Mining in Mali

November, 2015

This paper analyzes the socioeconomic,
fiscal, and governance impact of gold mining in Mali. The
analysis finds that, at the national level, mining plays an
important role by contributing to export earnings and
overall government fiscal revenue. In 2013, the mining
sector represented 7 percent of gross domestic product,
contributed 1.5 percent to growth in total gross domestic
product, and accounted for 65 percent of total export

En transición hacia un modelo post extractivista

Policy Papers & Briefs
November, 2015

El autor, geógrafo alemán trabajando en Perú, nos propone una aproximación a los conflictos mineros en ese país, a partir del caso de la comunidad campesina Cruz de Mayo y su potencial de la agricultura familiar como alternativa al extractivismo. El trabajo mereció una mención especial en el concurso anual Alimentos y pensamientos, porque contrapone directamente minería con agricultura familiar enfocada en recursos esenciales y a partir de un caso local con argumentación teórica general.

The Political Economy of Land Governance in Lao PDR

Conference Papers & Reports
October, 2015

This country level analysis addresses land governance in Laos in two ways. First, it summarises what the existing body of knowledge tells us about power and configurations that shape access to and exclusion from land, particularly among smallholders, the rural poor, ethnic minorities and women. Second, it draws upon existing literature and expert assessment to provide a preliminary analysis of the openings for and obstacles to land governance reform afforded by the political economic structures and dynamics in the country.