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Effects of Land-Use Intensity and Land Management Policies on Evolution of Regional Land System: A Case Study in the Hengduan Mountain Region

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2020

In the last few decades, land use/land cover (LULC) has changed significantly under the influence of local planning and policy implementation, and this has had a profound impact on the regional ecological environment. By taking the Hengduan Mountain region as the study area, this study considered the demands of various commodities and services and applied the CLUMondo model to predict the trajectory of change in the land system for the years 2010–2030.

Spatial-Temporal Changes and Driving Force Analysis of Green Space in Coastal Cities of Southeast China over the Past 20 Years

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2020

The purpose of this study is to reveal the spatial-temporal change and driving factors of green space in coastal cities of southeast China over the past 20 years. A supervised classification method combining support vector machines (SVMs) and visual interpretation was used to extract the green space from Landsat TM/OLI imageries from 2000–2020. The landscape pattern index was used to calculate geospatial information of green space and analyze their spatial-temporal changes.

A Review on Land Use and Land Cover Change in Ethiopian Basins

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2020

Land Use Land Cover (LULC) changes analysis is one of the most useful methodologies to understand how the land was used in the past years, what types of detections are to be expected in the future, as well as the driving forces and processes behind these changes. In Ethiopia, Africa, the rapid variations of LULC observed in the last decades are mainly due to population pressure, resettlement programs, climate change, and other human- and nature-induced driving forces.

Quantitative Analysis of Factors Influencing Spatial Distribution of Soil Erosion Based on Geo-Detector Model under Diverse Geomorphological Types

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2020

The Loess Plateau of China suffers from severe erosion, which results in a great variety of economic and ecological problems. For scientific control of soil erosion, the key questions urgently to be addressed in this paper are: (1) Which are the driving factors under diverse geomorphological types? (2) Do these driving factors operate independently or by interacting? (3) Which zones under diverse geomorphological types suffer from severe erosion and need more attention?

Infection and Spread of Root Rot Caused by Heterobasidion parviporum in Picea abies Stands after Thinning: Case Studies on Former Pasture and Meadow Lands

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2020

Afforestation of former agricultural lands is a common practice in several countries. This is beneficial for avoiding diseases carry-over from previous forest generations and to expand forest areas. However, several biotic and abiotic risks have been reported in such stands, including a higher risk of Heterobasidion root rot after thinning. Therefore, this study investigates the spread of Heterobasidion root rot in three Picea abies (L.) Karst. plantations in Latvia established on former pasture and meadow lands and subjected to forest management practices.

Wood Products for Cultural Uses: Sustaining Native Resilience and Vital Lifeways in Southeast Alaska, USA

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2020

Ongoing revitalization of the >5000-year-old tradition of using trees for vital culture and heritage activities including carving and weaving affirms Alaska Native resilience. However, support for these sustained cultural practices is complicated by environmental and political factors. Carving projects typically require western redcedar (Thuja plicata) or yellow cedar (Callitropsis nootkatensis) trees more than 450 years of age—a tree life stage and growth rate inconsistent with current even-aged forest management strategies.

Climate Variability, Land Cover Changes and Livelihoods of Communities on the Fringes of Bobiri Forest Reserve, Ghana

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2020

Climate variability coupled with land use and land cover changes have resulted in significant changes in forest reserves in Ghana with major implications for rural livelihoods. Understanding the link between climate variability, land use and land cover changes and rural livelihoods is key for decision-making, especially regarding sustainable management of forest resources, monitoring of ecosystems and related livelihoods. The study determined the extent to which climate variability drives land cover changes in the Bobiri forest reserve, Ghana.

Forest Land Quality Evaluation and the Protection Zoning of Subtropical Humid Evergreen Broadleaf Forest Region Based on the PSO-TOPSIS Model and the Local Indicator of Spatial Association: A Case Study of Hefeng County, Hubei Province, China

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2020

Forest land is the carrier for growing forests. It is of great significance to evaluate the forest land quality scientifically and delineate forestland protection zones reasonably for realizing better forest land management, promoting ecological civilization construction, and coping with global climate change.

Rapid Assessment of Tree Damage Resulting from a 2020 Windstorm in Iowa, USA

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2020

A need to quantify the impact of a particular wind disturbance on forest resources may require rapid yet reliable estimates of damage. We present an approach for combining pre-disturbance forest inventory data with post-disturbance aerial survey data to produce design-based estimates of affected forest area and number and volume of trees damaged or killed. The approach borrows strength from an indirect estimator to adjust estimates from a direct estimator when post-disturbance remeasurement data are unavailable.

Assessing and Predicting the Impact of Multi-Scenario Land Use Changes on the Ecosystem Service Value: A Case Study in the Upstream of Xiong’an New Area, China

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2020

The evaluation of ecosystem service value has become the basis of ecological protection, ecological regionalization, and ecological compensations. Land use changes have taken place due to several natural and anthropogenic reasons, significantly influencing the ecosystem services value (ESV).

Perceptions and Application of the Ecosystem Services Approach among Pacific Northwest National Forest Managers

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2020
United States of America

The ecosystem services concept has emerged as a guiding principle in natural resource management over the past two decades, and an ecosystem services approach to management is currently mandated as a core element of United States National Forest planning. However, the concept of ecosystem services has been interpreted and operationalized in a variety of ways, leaving a pronounced knowledge gap regarding how it is understood and implemented in different contexts.

Identifying Key Watershed Characteristics That Affect the Biological Integrity of Streams in the Han River Watershed, Korea

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2020

Understanding the complex human and natural processes that occur in watersheds and stream ecosystems is critical for decision makers and planners to ensure healthy stream ecosystems. This study aims to characterize the Han River watershed in Korea and extract key relationships among watershed attributes and biological indicators of streams using principal component analysis (PCA) and self-organizing maps (SOM). This study integrated watershed attributes and biological indicators of streams to delineate the watershed and stream biological status.