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Proposal for short-term SDO intervention in non-SDO SLLC woredas

Reports & Research
July, 2019

this proposal examines the potential negative consequences SLLC may have had on women and vulnerable groups in woredas where Social Development Officers (SDO) were not in post to engage with these groups and provides an approach to revisit a selected number of non-SDO woredas to rapidly identify and resolve disputes..This resource was published in the frame of the Land Investment for Transformation (LIFT) Programme.

Red Book

Manuals & Guidelines
July, 2019
South Africa

The Neighbourhood Planning and Design Guide is a comprehensively updated and revised version of its predecessor, the Guidelines for Human Settlement Planning and Design, commonly known as the Red Book. The Red Book, published in 2000, was preceded by a series of guideline documents aimed at improving the quality of settlement planning and design.

Legitimacy dilemmas in direct government intervention : The case of public land development, an example from the Netherlands

Journal Articles & Books
June, 2019

The current paper examines the legitimacy dilemmas that rise from local governments' direct policy instruments and market interventions. It takes the case of public land management strategies. The paper argues that current societal challenges-such as energy transition, climate change and inclusive urban innovation-require planning practices to be more effective. Direct government instruments such as direct market interventions have proven to significantly reduce the implementation gap of planning practice.

Detection of Urban Development in Uyo (Nigeria) Using Remote Sensing

Peer-reviewed publication
June, 2019

Uyo is one of the fastest-growing cities in Nigeria. In recent years, there has been a widespread change in land use, yet to date, there is no thorough mapping of vegetation change across the area. This study focuses on land use change, urban development, and the driving forces behind natural vegetation loss in Uyo.

Framework on land administration best practices for the model woredas

Reports & Research
June, 2019

This document provides a clear monitoring framework for the implementation of best practices across selected Woreda Land Administration Model Offices (WLAMOs)..This resource was published in the frame of the Land Investment for Transformation (LIFT) Programme. For more information;please check:

SA Urban Conference 2018

Conference Papers & Reports
June, 2019
South Africa

The second national Urban Conference took place on 30 and 31 October 2018 in Johannesburg, South Africa. It was convened by the South African Cities Network (SACN) in partnership with the national departments of cooperative governance (COGTA), human settlements (DHS) and finance (National Treasury); the South Africa Local Government Association (SALGA), SA Council for Planners (SACPLAN), ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, and the Gauteng Provincial Government.

Introducing nature-based solutions into urban policy – facts and gaps. Case study of Poznań

Peer-reviewed publication
May, 2019

Cities often don’t appreciate the benefits of green infrastructure (GI) enough. To recognise the extent to which green infrastructure and nature-based solutions (NbS) are present in the urban policy, we conducted a review of planning, strategic and programming documents of Poznań City as a Case Study.

Increasing productivity through an innovative individual-based agricultural loan

Reports & Research
May, 2019

This research summary explores how LIFT aids smallholder farmers through individual-based agricultural loans..This resource was published in the frame of the Land Investment for Transformation (LIFT) Programme. For more information;please check:

Investigation of the Likelihood of Green Infrastructure (GI) Enhancement along Linear Waterways or on Derelict Sites (DS) Using Machine Learning.

Reports & Research
May, 2019
United States of America

Studies evaluating potential of Green Infrastructure (GI) development using traditional Boolean logic-based multi-criteria analysis methods are not capable of predicting future GI development under dynamic urban scape.

Urban planning as an enabler of urban health: Challenges and good practice in England following the 2012 planning and public health reforms

Peer-reviewed publication
April, 2019
United States of America

This article synthesises the challenges faced by the English (urban) spatial planning system to become an enabler of urban health and explores some keys features of the evidence base, policy tools and policy implementation issues that urban planners need to be aware of to become health enablers. It draws on good practice identified in an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) seminar series involving over 500 academic researchers and practitioners between 2015 and 2017. A number of key recommendations emerged out of the project.