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Greenbelts in Germany's regional plans—An effective growth management policy?

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2016

Greenbelts are the best-known growth management policies in Germany. As part of its regional plans, they attempt to keep undeveloped areas permanently open, thus avoiding sprawling, i.e., land consumptive forms of urban development. However, the effectiveness of such land use designations in terms of guiding and limiting urban growth has rarely been the subject of in-depth research. This is the first study to present a GIS-based analysis of the restrictiveness of greenbelt designations in Germany and their impact on urban spatial structure and land use.

Ecosystem services in urban planning: Comparative paradigms and guidelines for high quality plans

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2016

Ecosystem services are a powerful tool for land-use and environmental planning, which can help decision makers better understand the tradeoffs between different development scenarios. However, there is limited guidance about how ecosystem services should be used in the land-use and environmental planning context.

Spatial variation of temperature and indicative of the urban heat island in Chennai Metropolitan Area, India

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2016
Southern Asia

Heat island is the main product of urban climate, and one of the important problems of twenty-first century. Cities in tropical countries suffer extensively due to the urban heat island effect, and urban climate studies are necessary to improve the comfort level and city planning. Chennai is the tropical city; it is the fourth largest metropolis in India and one of the fastest growing economic and industrial growth centers in South Asia.

Projecting alternative urban growth patterns: The development and application of a remote sensing assisted calibration framework for the Greater Dublin Area

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2016

Land use change models are powerful tools that allow planners and policy makers to assess the long-term spatial and environmental impacts of their decisions. In order for these models to produce a realistic output, they should be properly calibrated. This is usually achieved by comparing simulated land-use maps of dates in the past to reference land-use maps of a corresponding date. As land-use data are often not readily or frequently available, we propose a two-stage calibration framework that includes existing land-use maps as well as remote sensing derived maps of the urban extent.

influence of rapid urbanization and land use changes on terrestrial carbon sources/sinks in Guangzhou, China

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2016

Complex changes in carbon sources and sinks caused by rapid urbanization have been observed with extensive changes in the quantity, structure, and spatial pattern of land use types. Based on the modified Carnegie-Ames-Stanford Approach model and on gray relational analysis, we analyzed the influence of land use changes on carbon sinks and emissions in Guangzhou from 2000 to 2012. The aim was to identify suitable options for built-up land expansion that would allow for minimal carbon losses.

Barriers Constraining the Low and Middle Income Housing Finance Market in Bangladesh

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2016
Southern Asia

The study aims to assess the market for low and middle income housing finance in Bangladesh and identify the demand trajectory of this segment over the next 4 years. In addition, the report identifies factors that constrain the housing finance from serving low and middle income households.

Business models for fecal sludge management

Reports & Research
December, 2016

On-site sanitation systems, such as septic tanks and pit latrines, are the predominant feature across rural and urban areas in most developing countries. However, their management is one of the most neglected sanitation challenges. While under the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the set-up of toilet systems received the most attention, business models for the sanitation service chain, including pit desludging, sludge transport, treatment and disposal or resource recovery, are only emerging.

Co-composting of solid waste and fecal sludge for nutrient and organic matter recovery

Reports & Research
December, 2016

Biological treatment, composting, in particular, is a relatively simple, durable and inexpensive alternative for stabilizing and reducing biodegradable waste. Co-composting of different waste sources allows to enhance the compost nutrient value. In particular, integration of ‘biosolids’ from the sanitation sector as potential input material for co-composting would provide a solution for the much needed treatment of fecal sludge from on-site sanitation systems, and make use of its high nutrient content.

Composting urban organic waste into agricultural inputs: Balangoda, Sri Lanka

Reports & Research
December, 2016

As in other cities of Sri Lanka, solid waste management has been a key problem in and concern for Balangoda Urban Council. Waste accumulations in the city have caused many problems, including unpleasant odours, contamination of water bodies, and contamination of paddy fields, giving rise to epidemic diseases such as Salmonella, typhoid fever, and diarrhoea. A Balangoda compost plant has been set up to process municipal solid waste into compost. The project started in 1999 as a city service to provide a solution to the solid waste problem, but converted into a business in later years.

Effect of catchment-scale green roof deployment on stormwater generation and reuse in a tropical city

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2016

Low-impact development (LID) comprises a broad spectrum of stormwater management technologies for mitigating the impacts of urbanization on hydrological processes. Among these technologies, green roofs are one of the most adopted solutions, especially in densely populated metropolitan areas, where roofs take up a significant portion of the impervious surfaces and land areas are scarce.

Improving water sustainability and food security through increased crop water productivity in Malawi

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2016

Agriculture accounts for most of the renewable freshwater resource withdrawals in Malawi, yet food insecurity and water scarcity remain as major challenges. Despite Malawi’s vast water resources, climate change, coupled with increasing population and urbanisation are contributing to increasing water scarcity. Improving crop water productivity has been identified as a possible solution to water and food insecurity, by producing more food with less water, that is, to produce “more crop per drop”.

Recycling and reuse of treated wastewater in urban India

Reports & Research
December, 2016

Recycling and reuse of treated wastewater are an important part of the sanitation cycle and critical in an environment such as urban India with decreasing freshwater availability and increasing costs for delivering acceptable quality water, often from far distance. This report has been developed as a possible guidance document for the Indian government and gives substantial focus to the financial and economic benefits of wastewater recycling from the perspective of public spending.