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Continental Southeast Asia - Forest cover map (1998-2000)

Reports & Research

The 'Forest Cover Map of Continental Southeast Asia' covers the countries of Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Viet Nam, it comprises the tropical parts of northeastern India and of southern China (Yunnan & Hainan). The Himalaya mountain range (e.g. Bhutan) is included for reasons of geographical completeness. This map was produced by digital classification of a regional SPOT VEGETATION satellite image composite, generated from all acquisitions of the two dry seasons of the years 1998/1999 and 1999/2000 (December-March).

World Rainforest Movement (WRM)

Reports & Research

A major resource. Several articles on Burma (use the Search and Info by country). Extremely good links page: NGOs, Intergovernmental Sites, Research Institutes; Other links. "The World Rainforest Movement is an international network of citizens' groups of North and South involved in efforts
to defend the world's rainforests. It works to secure the lands and livelihoods of forest peoples and supports their
efforts to defend the forests from commercial logging, dams, mining, plantations, shrimp farms,
colonisation and settlement and other projects that threaten them...

Asian NGO Coalition for agrarian reform and rural development

Reports & Research

Welcome to ANGOC's Knowledge Portal! This is a simple, searchable, and easy-to-use online library of articles, discussion papers, and publications produced by ANGOC and its partners. Here you will find an array of resources on: access to land and agrarian reform; sustainable agriculture and natural resources management; participatory governance; food security; tools; and sustainable development.

Myanmar > Forestry sector

Reports & Research

Thematic profiles and systems:

Forestry Country Profiles - The forestry country profiles provide detailed information on forests and the forest sector: forest cover (types, extent and change), forest management, policies, products and trade, and more - in all some 30 pages for each country in the world...

Reports and statistical data:

Forest area statistics - From Forestry Country Profiles
Forest health statistics - From Forestry Country Profiles;
Growing stock statistics - From Forestry Country Profiles...


Forest Inform Pty Ltd

Reports & Research

Forest Inform Pty Ltd provides "Land Logic Services" that combine government agencies' and stakeholders’ decision rules with accurate spatial data to resolve forest land use conflicts, integrate regional development, prepare conservation plans, and Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+).

Rights and Resources Initiative

Reports & Research

A global coalition of 14 Partners and over 120 international, regional and community organizations advancing forest tenure, policy, and market reforms.....

Core Beliefs:

"Based on our experience, we find that empowerment of rural people and asset-based development are part of a process that is dependent on a set of enabling conditions, including security of tenure to access and use natural resources. As a coalition of diverse and varied organizations, RRI is guided by a set of core beliefs...

Rights of Poor Communities Must Be Recognized and Strengthened:

Reports & Research
South-Eastern Asia

This website contains mainly news reports about the global rush to buy up or lease farmlands abroad as a strategy to secure basic food supplies or simply for profit. Its purpose is to serve as a resource for those monitoring or researching the issue, particularly social activists, non-government organisations and journalists.

Landesa - Rural Development Institute

Reports & Research

Securing land rights for the world’s poorest people"...

"Landesa works to secure land rights for the world’s poorest people– those 2.47 billion* chiefly rural people who live on less than two dollars a day. Landesa partners with developing country governments to design and implement laws, policies, and programs concerning land that provide opportunity, further economic growth, and promote social justice...

Namati - Innovations in Legal Empowermnent

Reports & Research

Very rich site with many resources..."In a world where billions of people live outside the protection of the law, Namati is building a global movement of grassroots legal advocates who work with communities to advance justice. These advocates are solving problems on the front lines to ensure that people can protect their land, access essential services, and take part in the decisions that govern their lives...

"Journal of Peasant Studies"

Reports & Research

Abstracts accessible. Full texts by (expensive) subscription. Some texts free..."The Journal of Peasant Studies is one of the leading journals in the field of rural development. It was founded on the initiative of Terence J. Byres and its first editors were Byres, Charles Curwen and Teodor Shanin. It provokes and promotes critical thinking about social structures, institutions, actors and processes of change in and in relation to the rural world.