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Atoxigenic-based technology for biocontrol of aflatoxin in maize and groundnuts for Tanzania

December, 2022

Application of biocontrol products containing atoxigenic isolates of Aspergillus flavus to reduce aflatoxin content in crops is an effective strategy for managing aflatoxin in several regions throughout the world. We report the development and validation of two aflatoxin biocontrol products, Aflasafe TZ01 and Aflasafe TZ02, for use in maize and groundnut in Tanzania, a country frequently affected by aflatoxin contamination. Each product contains four atoxigenic A. flavus genotypes native and widely distributed in Tanzania.

Intrahousehold rights and decision-making regarding water in two counties in Kenya

December, 2022

The primary aim of this study is to explore what the local water sources are, how they are
prioritized, how communities are coping with water scarcity, how water is locally governed
and controlled, and how decision-making dynamics at the household as well as community
levels impact the choice and use of improved and unimproved water sources, as well as the
differentiated impacts these choices have on women and men. Rural households in Kenya
must make a complex set of decisions around water source choices as they lack secure water

Enhancing genetic gain through the application of genomic selection in developing irrigated rice for the favorable ecosystem in Bangladesh

December, 2022

Increasing selection differential and decreasing cycle time, the rate of genetic improvement can be accelerated. Creating and capturing higher genetic with higher accuracy within the shortest possible time is the prerequisite for enhancing genetic gain for any trait. Comprehensive yield testing at multi-locations at early generations together with the shortest line fixation time can expedite the rapid recycling of parents in the breeding program through recurrent selection.

Forest landscape restoration: A comparison of two participatory approaches

December, 2022

In this Occasional Paper, we compare a national approach designed to address restoration (the Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program, CFLRP, of the United States Department of Agriculture/United States Forest Service) with CIFOR’s Adaptive Collaborative Management (ACM) approach, which was originally designed to encourage sustainable forest management (SFM). CIFOR’s version of SFM included equal parts forestry, ecology and human well-being, and in this case focused on the community level.

Results report on a stakeholder workshop reflecting on a theory of change for low-emission food system transformation in Nandi county, Kenya: A contribution to the establishment of A Living Lab 4 People on Food System Innovations for Climate Change Mit...

December, 2022

The workshop was organized by the CGIAR Research Initiative on Low-Emission Food Systems (MITIGATE+), which is implemented by a large consortium of partners. The Initiative aims to reduce annual global food systems emissions by working closely with key actors in target countries to co-create knowledge that enables them to make evidence-based decisions and address challenges in food systems discourse, policy development, and implementation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Effects of natural additives on the production of genetically stable vitroplants: Application to Aloe (Aloe vera L.)

December, 2022

The micropropagation is currently adopted as a reliable process for mass vegetative multiplication of plants. However, several plants still face various challenges in this method, such as enzymatic browning, as well as fungal and bacterial contaminations. To overcome these challenges, the incorporation of natural organic additives into the culture medium is considered of great interest by some researchers for the success of in vitro multiplication protocols due to their antioxidant, antifungal, and/or nutritional properties.

Climate-Smart Agriculture Technologies and Determinants of Farmers’ Adoption Decisions in the Great Rift Valley of Ethiopia

December, 2022

Agriculture is a sector that is very vulnerable to the effects of climate change while contributing to anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to the atmosphere. Therefore, applying Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) technologies and practices (referee hereafter as CSA technologies) that can sustainably boost productivity, improve resilience, and lower GHG emissions are crucial for a climate resilient agriculture. This study sought to identify the CSA technologies used by farmers and assess adoption levels and factors that influence them.

A process guide for the development of a mixed-methods research tool for measuring and understanding intra-household decision making

December, 2022
United States of America

Numerous approaches have been developed by researchers for measuring intra-household decision making. Most use quantitative surveys that often rely on a standard set of questions that inquire about who contributes to key household decisions or women’s abilities to participate in these decisions. Such questions have been criticized for focusing too much on the identity of the decision maker and less on understanding why and how decisions get made within the household and on the multiple facets of women’s roles in decision-making processes1.