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Analysis of adoption of conservation agriculture practices in southern Africa: mixed-methods approach

December, 2022

In southern Africa, conservation agriculture (CA) has been promoted to address low agricultural productivity, food insecurity, and land degradation. However, despite significant experimental evidence on the agronomic and economic benefits of CA and large scale investments by the donor community and national governments, adoption rates among smallholders remain below expectation. The main objective of this research project was thus to investigate why previous efforts and investments to scale CA technologies and practices in southern Africa have not led to widespread adoption.

Genetic gains in tropical maize hybrids across moisture regimes with multi-trait-based index selection

December, 2022

Unpredictable weather vagaries in the Asian tropics often increase the risk of a series of abiotic stresses in maize-growing areas, hindering the efforts to reach the projected demands. Breeding climate-resilient maize hybrids with a cross-tolerance to drought and waterlogging is necessary yet challenging because of the presence of genotype-by-environment interaction (GEI) and the lack of an efficient multi-trait-based selection technique.

The fate of nitrogen during agricultural intensification in East Africa: nitrogen budgets in contrasting agroecosystems

December, 2022

The intensification of agricultural systems in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is necessary to reduce poverty and improve food security, but increased nutrient applications in smallholder systems could have negative consequences for water quality, greenhouse gas emissions, and air quality.

Integrated modeling to achieve global goals: lessons from the Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land-use, and Energy (FABLE) initiative

December, 2022

Humanity is challenged with making progress toward global biodiversity, freshwater, and climate goals, while providing food and nutritional security for everyone. Our current food and land-use systems are incompatible with this ambition making them unsustainable. Papers in this special feature introduce a participatory, integrated modeling approach applied to provide insights on how to transform food and land-use systems to sustainable trajectories in 12 countries: Argentina, Australia, Canada, China, Germany, Finland, India, Mexico, Rwanda, Sweden, the UK, and USA.

Ground Zero? Let’s get real on regeneration! Report 1: State of the art and indicator selection

December, 2022

The urgency with which the world needs to combat climate change has led to ambitious commitments by
leading food companies such as Nestlé. Given that a large proportion of emissions in supply chains occur during the
production of commodities, focus has converged on Regenerative Agriculture as a key strategy to achieve
those goals. The Regenerative Agriculture agenda coalesces around three main goals:
• Reduce the Carbon Footprint
• Enhance Soil Health
• Enhance and safeguard Biodiversity

Water for food systems and nutrition

December, 2022

Access to sufficient and clean freshwater is essential for all life. Water is also essential for the functioning of food systems: as a key input into food production, but also in processing and preparation, and as a food itself. Water scarcity and pollution are growing, affecting poorer populations most, and particularly food producers. Malnutrition levels are also on the rise, and this is closely linked to water scarcity. The achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2 and 6 are co-dependent.

Managing soil organic carbon in tropical agroecosystems: evidence from four long-term experiments in Kenya

December, 2022

In sub-Saharan Africa, maize is one of the most important staple crops, but long-term maize cropping with low external inputs has been associated with the loss of soil fertility. While adding high-quality organic resources combined with mineral fertilizer has been proposed to counteract this fertility loss, the long-term effectiveness and interactions with site properties still require more understanding.

Sesame Value Chain: A Climate-Smart Agriculture Approach - An Extension Workers Manual

December, 2022

Sesame (locally known as simsim) production in Uganda is increasingly becoming popular because of its wide benefits. Sesame production is equally being affected by several factors including climate change. Climate change is associated with changing precipitation patterns, rising temperatures and prolonged dry spells. This manual therefore provides detailed information on sesame growing in times of climate change. The manual is structured in five chapters which are summarized as follows.