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CACCI country profile Tajikistan

December, 2022

Tajikistan, one of the least urbanized countries in Central Asia, is prone to natural disasters, disruptions in rainfall, rising temperatures, reductions in glacial cover, and extreme weather events. Agriculture and energy sectors are the highest emitters of greenhouse gases. The Government of the Republic of Tajikistan acknowledges the problems and risks posed by climate change and is working to address them.

Informal Food Markets in Quezon City and Pasay City, Philippines: A Rapid Assessment. Resilient Cities Initiative Research Report

December, 2022

Cognizant of the centrality of food systems
in a rapidly urbanizing world amidst
environmental and health risks, the
Resilient Cities Initiative will strengthen
capacities for research and innovation in
the management of urban food systems in
Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
As part of this initiative, the CIPimplemented
Philippine project aims
to improve urban food systems by
strengthening enterprise capacities of
informal vendors, thereby helping to
improve food supply and diets of the

2019 social accounting matrix for Ghana: A Nexus project SAM

December, 2022
United States of America

The 2019 Ghana Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) follows IFPRI's Standard Nexus SAM approach, by focusing on consistency, comparability, and transparency of data. The Nexus SAMs available on IFPRI's website separates domestic production into 42 activities. Factors are disaggregated into labor, agricultural land, and capital, with labor further disaggregated across three education-based categories. The household account is divided into 10 representative household groups: Rural and urban households across per capita consumption quintiles.

2021 Social Accounting Matrix for Kenya: A Nexus Project SAM

December, 2022
United States of America

The 2021 Kenya Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) follows IFPRI's Standard Nexus SAM approach, by focusing on consistency, comparability, and transparency of data. The Nexus SAMs available on IFPRI's website separates domestic production into 42 activities. Factors are disaggregated into labor, agricultural land, and capital, with labor further disaggregated across three education-based categories. The household account is divided into 10 representative household groups: Rural and urban households across per capita consumption quintiles.

Gap Assessment on Capacity Building in Climate Smart Agriculture and Climate Information Services in Tertiary Institutions in Ghana, Mali And Senegal

December, 2022

The Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) Project builds on the initiatives and achievements under the CGIAR Research Program on the Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) in Africa. With a focus on climate-smart agriculture (CSA) technologies and on climate information services (CIS), the AICCRA project includes an important capacity development component for the benefit of six (6) countries in Africa.

The role of spatial inequalities on youth migration decisions: Empirical evidence from Nigeria

December, 2022

We combine nationally representative data from Nigeria with spatiotemporal data from remote sensing and other sources to study how young migrants respond to observable characteristics of potential destinations, both in absolute terms and relative to origin locations. Migrants prefer destinations with better welfare, land availability and intensity of economic activity. We also find that migrants prefer shorter distances and those destinations with better urban amenities and infrastructure. However, responses vary by type of migrant and migration.

Agroecology Initiative policy tracker guideline and tool

December, 2022

The agroecology policy tracker is designed to accommodate policy and institutional objectives and progress at the national and Agroecology Living Landscape (ALL) level. It will have to be decided which policy making or administrative level best corresponds to the ALL in each country. In Kenya for example, there has been alignment in the selection of the ALL with the administrative level of a county. Therefore, the team should review policy and institutional opportunities at the county level as well as national level. In India, it would be the state level.

2021 Social Accounting Matrix for Nigeria: A Nexus Project SAM

December, 2022

The 2021 Nigeria Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) follows IFPRI's Standard Nexus SAM approach, by focusing on consistency, comparability, and transparency of data. The Nexus SAMs available on IFPRI's website separates domestic production into 42 activities. Factors are disaggregated into labor, agricultural land, and capital, with labor further disaggregated across three education-based categories. The household account is divided into 10 representative household groups: Rural and urban households across per capita consumption quintiles.

Institutional gender mainstreaming in small-scale irrigation: lessons from Ethiopia

December, 2022

Achieving gender equality in irrigation can result in greater production, income, and job opportunities for both men and women smallholder farmers from diverse social groups, while building climate resilience in sub-Saharan Africa. In Ethiopia, national irrigation agencies, donors, and researchers have been assisting project implementers to mainstream gender issues into the planning and implementation of irrigation programs.

Conflicts between Farmers and Livestock Breeders in Mali: A Review of Dynamics and Issues in the Mopti Region

December, 2022

The central delta of the Niger is characterized by the coexistence of various production systems sharing water
and land as common elements. These systems have long interacted, complementing and substituting one another through efficient socio-spatial organization. However,
several factors have led to the emergence of challenges between users of natural resources, especially farmers and herders. This makes the central delta of the Niger one of
the Sahelian regions where conflicts have taken alarming proportions.

Women’s visibility and bargaining power in the common bean value chain in Mozambique

December, 2022

Women are involved in bean production and marketing, but their contribution is often invisible. This study is interested in understanding gender gaps in bean production, marketing, and decision-making powers over income and sales. A mixed method was used to collect survey data from 332 farming households and qualitative data from focus group discussions and key informant interviews. The respondents in the study were young men (30.42%), young women (13.25%), adult men (35.84%) and adult women (20.48%).