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Women’s land rights, rural social movements, and the state in the 21st-century Latin American agrarian reforms

Reports & Research
April, 2017

This paper addresses the disjuncture between women’s formal land rights and their attaining these in practice, examining the four agrarian reforms carried out by progressive governments after 2000 in Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, and Venezuela. It finds that while all four strengthened women’s formal land rights, only the reforms in Bolivia and Brazil resulted in a significant share and number of female beneficiaries.

Género e relações de poder na região sul de Moçambique

Journal Articles & Books
March, 2017

Nos últimos anos os estudos sobre relações de género têm gerado muitos debates, principalmente quando o tema está associado ao meio rural, onde os processos de mudança e de aceitação de transformações de atitudes e comportamentos estão relacionados com a iliteracia, os costumes, tabus, bem como com a divisão social do trabalho configurados por relações de poder marcadas por desigualdades.

Gender Issues in Large-scale Land Acquisition

Reports & Research
March, 2017

The oil palm boom in Indonesia continues to be a major driver of land acquisitions in remaining tropical forest frontiers, drawing on a wide range of actors into its production, and transforming both rural landscapes and livelihoods in the process. The growing body of research and evidence on the social and economic effects of oil palm expansion does not adequately consider the gender dimensions of the oil palm boom, thereby lacking a balanced view of both women’s and men’s experiences.

A Macroeconomia e a Produção Agrícola em Moçambique

Reports & Research
March, 2017

Este trabalho procura verificar a relação entre variáveis macroeconómicas e a produção agrícola em Moçambique. O sector agrícola desempenha um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento da economia moçambicana. Assim sendo, torna-se importante compreender a relação entre o ambiente macroeconómico e o sector. De acordo com Ali et al. (2010) a economia agrícola mundial tem sido substancialmente sensível aos movimentos dos indicadores macroeconómicos.

The State of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Sri Lanka

Reports & Research
March, 2017
Sri Lanka

Coming two years after a political transition from post-war authoritarianism, this Shadow Report to the United Nations Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights is framed in the backdrop of two concurrent processes of ‘transformation’ currently underway in Sri Lanka. The first is the process of constitutional reform initiated by the Government that was elected on the platform of restoring democratic, inclusive and accountable governance.

Social Policy and Empowerment of Women in the Agricultural Sector in Uzbekistan

Conference Papers & Reports
March, 2017

In 2016, Uzbekistan celebrated twenty-five years of independence. Although government prioritized investment in agriculture sector, the social policy emphasized strongly institutional and organizational changes. As a result, women are mostly excluded from reforms’ benefits. This paper provides a critical literature review that addresses how international gender measurement indicators and methodologies help in understanding women’s empowerment and opportunities in the agriculture sector of post-Soviet Uzbekistan.

Resolución Nº 170/2017 - Reglamento de Procedimientos Administrativos Agrarios.

March, 2017

El presente Reglamento tiene como objetivo regular los procedimientos administrativos agrarios a cargo del Ministerio de la Agricultura, con exclusión de los relacionados con el otorgamiento y extinción de los contratos de usufructo para la entrega de tierras estatales y de la trasmisión de las tierras de los agricultores pequeños que emigren del territorio nacional, asuntos que cuentan con una legislación especial, así como la función registral sobre tierras y tractores que dadas sus características no debe tratarse como procedimiento o trámite agrario en el presente Reglamento.Los procedi

Política Institucional de Igualdad y No Discriminación del Instituto Salvadoreño de Transformación Agraria (ISTA) y su Plan de Acción 2016-2020.

National Policies
March, 2017
El Salvador

El presente documento contiene la Política Institucional de Igualdad y No Discriminación del Instituto Salvadoreño de Transformación Agraria (ISTA) y su Plan de Acción para el período 2016-2020.

Women, Land and Property Rights and The Land Reforms in Kenya

Policy Papers & Briefs
March, 2017

Land is the foundation of all human activities both social and economic. This is particularly so in agrarian economies such as Kenya. In these economies women are central to economic production in agriculture and livestock sectors. In Kenya, where the mainstay of most communities is agriculture and livestock production, women contribute up to 80 % of the workforce. Nevertheless, women only hold 1% of registered land titles in their names and around 5-6 % of registered titles held in joint names.


Policy Papers & Briefs
March, 2017

Implementing Constitutional Land Provisions Now to Enable More Women to Own Land. March 8 is celebrated as the International Women’s Day – an event that celebrates women’s achievements on many scores ranging from the political to the social, and at the same time calling for gender equality.


Policy Papers & Briefs
March, 2017

The Kilimanjaro Initiative is a rural women’s mobilisation from across Africa towards an iconic moment at the foot of Mt Kilimanjaro in October 2016. The Kilimanjaro Initiative was conceived by the Rural Women during a meeting of rural women and civil society organisations in 2012, held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. This initiative aims to create space for us as rural women to be able to participate in decision making processes about land and natural resources.