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Journal Articles & Books
September, 2017
América Latina e Caribe
América do Sul
Este artigo possui o objetivo de analisar, criticamente, a ação extensionista promovida na defesa dos direitos étnicos e territoriais da comunidade quilombola de Queimadas, no procedimento administrativo para a certificação da desconformidade do empreendimento minerário denominado “Projeto Serro”, à legislação de uso e ocupação do solo do Município do Serro.

Resolución Nº 389-2017 ─ Guía de elaboración y explicación para la incorporación de la Gestión Integral de Riesgo de Desastre en los Planes y Esquemas de Ordenamiento Territorial de Panamá.

September, 2017

La presente Resolución aprueba la Guía de elaboración y explicación para la Incorporación de la Gestión Integral de Riesgo de Desastre en los Planes y Esquemas de Ordenamiento Territorial de Panamá, que es de obligatorio cumplimiento, y que amplía los conceptos técnicos de la Resolución Nº 732-2015, que establece los requisitos y procedimientos para la elaboración y tramitación de los Planes y Esquemas de Ordenamiento Territorial en la República de Panamá para el desarrollo urbano y rural, a nivel local y parcial, adicionando criterios para la gestión integral de riesgo de desastres y adapt

Mineração artesanal em Moçambique – Cenário Far West e Propostas de Mudança

Policy Papers & Briefs
August, 2017

A mineração artesanal, vulgarmente conhecida como garimpo, constituiu uma actividade de extracção de minérios, realizada com tecnologia rudimentar e sem equipamentos de sondagem, requerendo, por isso, o investimento de pouco capital. A mineração artesanal é, normalmente, realizada na informalidade, na maioria dos casos sem licença de exploração, num processo por vezes itinerante e realizado por grupos independentes.

Rethinking Expropriation Law: Compensation for Expropriation

Conference Papers & Reports
August, 2017
South Africa

The Groningen Centre for Law and Governance (GCLG) and the University of Cape Town collaborated with the Global Land Tool Network and True Price to convene the fourth annual colloquium on Expropriation Law in Cape Town. The annual meetings of this project concentrate on narrowly defined aspects of expropriation, and facilitate discussion amongst international academics and other experts on shared issues in Expropriation Law. The project gives delegates the opportunity to participate on the global platform, alongside leading scholars in the field of expropriation law.

Urban Land Conflicts and Evictions in Latin America and the Caribbean

Reports & Research
August, 2017
Latin America and the Caribbean

The Latin American and Caribbean Urban CSO Cluster, part of the Global Land Tools Network (GTLN), together with Habitat for Humanity’s Solid Ground Campaign and the Land Portal Foundation, launched an online debate on Urban Land Conflicts in Latin America and the Caribbean in January 2017. Responding to the common interest to make information easy to access and flow to boost collaboration among stakeholders as a critical basis to improve land governance.

When we import goods, we export jobs

Conference Papers & Reports
August, 2017

This article was submitted for the UN Economic Commission for Africa “2017 Conference on Land Policy in Africa” Nov. 14-17 2017, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

This article sheds light on a series of events that triggered escalating tensions over land and resources in the coastal communities of Lagos, Nigeria. This article provides an in-depth analysis of Nigeria’s laws on expropriation and the processes of acquiring land and compensating landholders in the Lekki Free Trade Zone (LFTZ) case. Specifically, the analysis addresses the following research questions:

Herders against Farmers: Nigeria’s Expanding Deadly Conflict

Reports & Research
August, 2017

Violent conflicts between nomadic herders from northern Nigeria and sedentary agrarian communities in the central and southern zones have escalated in recent years and are spreading southward, threatening the country’s security and stability. With an estimated death toll of approximately 2,500 people in 2016, these clashes are becoming as potentially dangerous as the Boko Haram insurgency in the north east. Yet to date, response to the crisis at both the federal and state levels has been poor.

The Unfolding Humanitarian Crisis Around Lake Chad: UN Report Falls Short of Naming Environmental Dimensions

Reports & Research
August, 2017

It is encouraging to see that the United Nations Security Council is beginning to acknowledge the transboundary dimensions of fragility and conflict, as demonstrated by its newly launched Report of the Secretary-General on the situation in the Lake Chad Basin region.

Discursos sobre o Regime de Propriedade da Terra em Moçambique

Journal Articles & Books
August, 2017
África subsariana
Os discursos e posicionamentos sobre o regime de propriedade da terra em Moçambique não são coincidentes. Este artigo apresenta as percepções que os diferentes stakeholders (Estado, Comunidades locais, sector privado, Investidores, Sociedade Civil, etc.) envolvidos na relação com a terra possuem em relação à questão fundiária no País, sobretudo no atual contexto marcado pelo grande fluxo de projetos de investimento, de investidores nacionais e estrangeiros, com interesses no agronegócio, na exploração mineira e exploração de hidrocarbonetos. 

Dealing with displacement in Myanmar’s peace process (Working Paper).

Reports & Research
August, 2017

Executive Summary:
"Myanmar has been engaged in a process of political change since 2011. A central goal of these reforms
has been the attempt to resolve political conflicts between ethnic armed organisations (EAOs) and the
Myanmar Government. Talks began under the ‘civilian
government’ led by Thein Sein and have continued
under the National League of Democracy (NLD)
led Government. However, several years of talks have
produced little concrete progress.
This is a complex peace process, which has only the partial inclusion