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African compendium of environment statistics 1991 = Recueil des statistiques africaines de l'environnement 1991

Reports & Research
December, 1991

This document focuses on African compendium of environment statistics 1991. The topics covered in this edition include population density, land use, irrigation, round wood production, agro climatologically conditions, urbanization and disasters related to the environment.

Africain compendium of environment statistics = Recueil des statistique Africaines de l'environnent

Journal Articles & Books
December, 1991

This document focuses on African compendium of environment statistics. This is the first edition of the African Compendium of Environment Statistics. It is in many ways experimental and covers a limited range of topics but it is intended that future editions will cover a wider range of data and will include more comment and analysis. Environment statistics is a relatively new branch of statistics and very few African countries have yet started systematic data collection or have any statisticians trained in this branch.

10th World Forestry Congress

Journal Articles & Books
November, 1991

As in the past, the Unasylva issue immediately preceding the World Forestry Congress examines a number of the broad challenges facing forestry. In an interview, FAO Director General Edouard Saouma considers the world forestry situation and highlights the Organization's priorities for work in forestry over the coming decade. The cutting edge of FAO's forestry activities is exemplified in the assistance provided to member countries; M.K. Muthoo, Director of the FAO Forestry Operations Service, describes the recent evolution of the department's field programme. M.R.

10° Congreso Forestal Mundial

Journal Articles & Books
November, 1991

Al igual que con ocasin de los anteriores congresos, este nmero de Unasylva, que precede inmediatamente a la inauguracin, est dedicado a algunos de los principales problemas relativos a la materia forestal. En una entrevista, el Director General de la FAO, E. Saouma, comenta la situacin de los bosques en el mundo y pone de relieve las actividades forestales prioritarias de la Organizacin en el presente decenio. Respecto de la asistencia a los pases miembros, M.K. Muthoo, Director del Servicio de Operaciones Forestales, describe la reciente evolucin del programa de campo; M.R.

Ordenación de cuencas hidrográficas

Journal Articles & Books
November, 1991

Para que produzcan los resultados apetecidos, las actividades de ordenacin de cuencas hidrogrficas han de incorporar hidrologa forestal, conservacin de suelos y aguas y planificacin del uso de la tierra en un marco lgico ms amplio que tome en consideracin no slo los fenmenos fsicos, sino tambin los factores econmicos, sociales e institucionales. En este nmero, Unasylva examina varios aspectos de la ordenacin de cuencas hidrogrficas.

Guidelines: land evaluation for extensive grazing

Journal Articles & Books
November, 1991
Northern America

Extensive grazing is the predominant form of land use on at least a quarter of the world’s land surface, in which livestock are raised on food that comes mainly from rangelands. Extensive grazing differs from crop or forestry production, in which the produce remains in situ whilst growing. Evaluation for extensive grazing, unlike that for cropping or forestry, must take into account the production of both grazing forage, termed primary production, and the livestock that feed on this forage, termed secondary production.

Aménagement des bassins versants

Journal Articles & Books
November, 1991

Ainsi, pour parvenir aux rsultats souhaits, les activits d'amnagement des bassins versants doivent intgrer l'hydrologie forestire, la conservation des sols et des eaux et la planification de l'utilisation des terres dans un cadre logique plus vaste, qui tienne compte non seulement des interactions concrtes mais aussi des facteurs conomiques, sociaux et institutionnels. Le prsent numro d'Unasylva examine plusieurs aspects de l'amnagement des bassins versants.

Watershed management

Journal Articles & Books
November, 1991

To produce the desired results, therefore, watershed management efforts must incorporate "forest hydrology", "soil and water conservation" and "land use planning" into a broader, logical framework that takes into consideration not only physical interrelationships but economic, social and institutional factors as well. In this issue, Unasylva examines several facets of watershed management.

Water Act 1991.

October, 1991
United Kingdom

This Act defines the powers and functions of the Manx Utilities Authority as established by article 4 of the Transfer of Functions (Manx Utilities Authority) Order 2014 and the Department of Infrastructure, and provides with respect to collection and distribution of water in the Isle of Man. Some provisions concern water pollution. The Authority shall comply with such directions regarding the exercise of its functions as may be given by the Department.

Harbour Boards Dry Land Endowment Revesting Act (No. 104 of 1991).

October, 1991
New Zealand

The aim of this Act is to provide for certain endowments of dry harbour land to be revested in the Crown or reserved for certain purposes, and to amend certain enactments. Section 4 empowers the Governor-General to declare specified lands vested in local authorities to be revested in the Crown for purpose of conservation (under the Conservation Act 1987), or for the purpose of creating reserves under the Reserves Act 1977.