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Protected Places (No. 10) Order 2006.

South-Eastern Asia

This Order relates to the Protected Areas and Protected Places Act (Chapter 256). Paragraph 2 describes the premises declared to be protected places for the purposes of the Act. No person shall be in those premises unless in possession of a permit or having received special permission from an authorized officer. The Schedule lists the protected places and their location.

Implements: Protected Areas and Protected Places Act (Ordinance No. 33 of 1959, Chapter 256). (2013-12-31)

Resolución Nº 515/06 - Crea el Programa para la Gestión Ambiental de Sitios Contaminados.

South America

La presente Resolución tiene por objeto la creación del Programa para la Gestión Ambiental de Sitios Contaminados, que tendrá por objetivos esenciales: a) identificar, sistematizar y cuantificar los procesos de degradación por contaminación; b) definir las correspondientes estrategias de prevención, control y recuperación de los sitios contaminados.

Decree No. 237 of 2006 to extend the the Decree relative to the establishment of the Environment, Nature and Town and Country Planning Research Council.

Western Europe

This Decree extends the working of the original Decree establishing the Environment, Nature and Town and Country Planning Research Council and thus implicitly recognizes the important research, policy and planning functions of the Council in the field of environment, town and country planning and nature conservation and restoration in the Netherlands.

Amends: Decree No. 509 of 2000 relative to the establishment of the Environment, Nature and Town and Country Planning Research Council. (2000-11-03)

Décret n° 2006-503 relatif à la collecte et au traitement des eaux usées mentionnées aux articles L. 2224-8 et L. 2224-10 du code général des collectivités territoriales.

Western Europe

Le présent décret est relatif à la collecte et au traitement des eaux usées mentionnées aux articles L. 2224-8 et L. 2224-10 du code général des collectivités territoriales. Peuvent être placées en zones d'assainissement non collectif les parties du territoire d'une commune dans lesquelles l'installation d'un système de collecte des eaux usées ne se justifie pas, soit parce qu'elle ne présente pas d'intérêt pour l'environnement et la salubrité publique, soit parce que son coût serait excessif.

Decree No. 661 of 2005 relative to the transfer of supervision of the Environment, Nature and Town and Country Planning Office and its management.

Western Europe

The supervision of the Environment, Nature and Town and Country Planning Office and the task of environmental planning is assigned by this Decree to the Minister of Housing, Town and Country and the Environment.

Decree No. 675 of 2005 containing rules regarding the reduction of the emission of ammoniac from animal keeping premises belonging to the livestock sector.

Western Europe

The scope of this Decree is to implement provisions of the Act containing rules regarding the emission of ammoniac from animal keeping premises belonging to the livestock sector so as to reduce negative effects caused by emission of ammoniac produced by agricultural enterprises. The Decree prescribes maximum emission values for various types of animal keeping. If animals, for which a maximum emission value is indicated in the Schedule, are kept, no animal keeping system shall be used with an emission factor higher than the value indicated in the Schedule.

Mining Regulations.


These Regulations are made under section 68 of the Mining Act and make further provision for mining and related matters in Fiji.They provide, inter alia, for: fees, rents and royalties (regs.

Resolution No. 16/M.W of 2007 laying down foundations for governing and regulating the establishment or the development and rehabilitation of urban communities.

Syrian Arab Republic
Western Asia

The aim of this Resolution is to lay down bases and foudations in order to regulate and arrnge the creation, development and rehabilition of urban communities outside the protection areas and administrative boundaries of cities and provinces. It is composed of 17 articles. Article 1 gives terms and definitions. Article 4 decrees that the establishment and creation of urbn communities shall be carried out by a resolution of the Council of Ministers after the ratification of the High Committee.

Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2007 (S.S.I. 209 of 2007).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

This Order amends Parts 1 and 21 of Schedule 1 to the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992 in relation to the installation, alteration or replacement of a satellite antenna on a dwellinghouse or within the curtilage of a dwellinghouse. Development is restricted in a “designated area”, i.e. a national scenic area, National Park, conservation area, historic garden or designed landscape.

Amends: Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992 (S.I. 223 (S. 17) of 1992). (1992-02-11)