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Informality in Urban Areas, a Case of Land Use Transformation in Mlalakuwa Settlement, Dar es Salaam

Peer-reviewed publication

Land use development and transformation in informal settlements have been taking place because informal settlements have been alternative way of providing affordable housing to low income people. Many governments use strict regulations to deny informal settlements from infrastructure services but in Tanzania informal settlements are provided with such services. This paper presents the findings on how land use transformation is taking place and publicly used spaces disappear overtime in the informal settlements, the context behind and their outcomes.

Données d’observations de la terre et outils cartographiques libres à la caractérisation de la dynamique foncière face à l’accaparement des terres à grande échelle au sud-ouest Cameroun.

Peer-reviewed publication

Situé en plein cœur de la forêt équatoriale dans le bassin du Congo, la région du Sud-ouest est sans doute l’une des plus riches du Cameroun. Elle comporte une biodiversité des plus diversifiées avec une importance significative des espèces endogènes ainsi que des espèces commerciales. Les conditions pédologiques, hydrographiques et orographiques sont favorables à l’agriculture, ce qui a amené les allemands dès leurs arrivées au Cameroun à s’y implanter.

Gender Inequality and Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Food Security in Tanzania

Peer-reviewed publication

This paper assessed gender inequality in household resources, particularly land ownership, division of labour and decision making as regards climate change adaptation strategies for household food security. The results show that gender inequality exists among the pastoralists in terms of household division of labour, ownership of resources and decision-making such that women do not control important productive resources such as land and livestock which make them more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and less able to adapt to it.

Spatial Assessment of Impacts of Artisanal and Small-scale Mining on Land Cover and Environment, Batouri, Eastern Cameroun

Peer-reviewed publication

Artisanal and small-scale mining affects the quality and components of the environment in the Batouri area in different ways. Activities interfere with air, soil, water, fauna and forest resources. This study seeks to assess the impacts of mining on the environment using a combination of spatial analysis, questionnaires administration and Leopold’s grid of impact assessment. The impacts of mining on physical environment include air pollution by emission of dusts and fumes from engines, soil and subsoil degradation by earthworks and release of wastewater containing chemicals from companies.

Hello Can You Hear me? On Climate Change: Inequalities And Gender Vulnerability In Benin

Peer-reviewed publication

This paper focuses on gender mainstreaming in modeling the impacts of climate change by development sector. Inspired by the methodologies of the Guillaumont economic vulnerability index (2008, 2009) and the UNDP poverty vulnerability ratio (2011), a synthetic index called the ‘Index of Inequality of Gender Vulnerability to Climate Change (IIGVcc)’, which is a modeling by development sector, of vulnerability inequalities to climate change between men and women, is proposed.


Peer-reviewed publication

As the urban land use plan is a tool for urban land governance, this paper explores customers’ expectations that the service providers have not considered as the quality during urban land use plan preparation in Amhara Region - Northern Ethiopia. The study was conducted on 90 urban areas of the Amhara regional state who made the formal complaint against the quality of their urban plan in the year of 2017/18 (2010 Ethiopian calendar). Data were collected by means of the survey using questionnaires and document review.

Development of a Landmark Land Use and Management Framework for Liberia

Peer-reviewed publication

In October 2016 the Liberia Land Authority (LLA|) was legislated as the Nation’s first one-stop-shop for land management and administration. The LLA has the statutory mandate to administer land administration across the nation. The Authority is charged with supporting the development of a National Land Use and Management Agenda.

Analysis of Factors influencing Vulnerability of Fishing Systems to Climate Change among Artisanal Fisher-folks in Coastal area of Lagos, Nigeria

Peer-reviewed publication

Climate change poses serious challenges to the sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture systems, with severe implications for the majority people who depend on them largely for their livelihoods. Therefore, this study investigates factors influencing the vulnerability of fishing activities to climate change among artisanal fisher-folks in coastal area of Lagos, Nigeria. A three-stage random sampling technique was used to select 342 artisanal fishers from the study area.

Climate, Land Use Change and Local Adaptation Strategies in Ecological Areas. Case of Miwaleni River Valley

Peer-reviewed publication

Climate change issues are contemporary global phenomena which affect the largest part of the world in different ways. This paper explores how local communities living in sensitive ecological areas, particularly in river valleys, respond to and adapt to climate change. By employing a qualitative research approach, findings have indicated that heavy rainfall and prolonged droughts coupled with population increase have led to land use changes and loss of biodiversity in the river valley.


Peer-reviewed publication

Lakes are integrator of environmental changes occurring at a regional to global scale and present a high variety of behaviors on a variety of time scale. Their crucial importance as water stocks and retaining given the significant environmental changes occurring worldwide at many anthropocentric levels has increased the necessity of monitoring all its morphodynamic characteristics i.e. water level, surface area and volume.

Compliance with Planning Regulations in Hazardous Areas and its impacts. A Case of Msasani Bonde la Mpunga in Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania

Peer-reviewed publication

 Most of the cities and urban centres of developing nations, Tanzania inclusive are faced with increased urbanization coupled with informal land development in non-designated areas including marginal and hazardous lands. This paper reports the findings of a study undertaken to assess the processes of land development and the associated impacts in Msasani Bonde la Mpunga, a, flood prone area in the City of Dar es Salaam.

Transparency and Environmental Sustainability Guidelines in Land Administration in Nigeria

Peer-reviewed publication

The Land Use Act of Nigeria, first enacted in 1978 was intended to simplify and standardise land administration systems across the country. It vested the authority to plan, assign and approve certificates of land ownership in the state governors, and all non-urban land in the local governments.