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Gender-responsive nature-positive solutions for resilient agri-food systems

December, 2022

Nature-positive solutions (NPS) seek to address the negative effects of climate change, restore biodiversity, and sustainably manage land and water resources through strategies implemented at farm and community levels, drawing on both traditional and scientific knowledge, while ensuring that agriculture stays within planetary boundaries. Given gender differences in livelihood roles, control over resources, and influence over livelihood decisions, men and women have different needs from and preferences for nature-positive solutions.

Day 1 IFPRI Presentations for 2023 CGIAR GENDER-ICAR Conference

December, 2022

IFPRI is participating in the 2023 annual CGIAR Gender Research Conference. This conference is co-hosted by the CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and will take place in New Delhi, India, on October 9-12, 2023.
Presentation titles:
Gender-responsive nature positive solutions for resilient agri-food systems
Women’s Empowerment, Productivity, and Food Security: Nationally Representative Panel Data Analysis in Malawi

Crop-livestock synergies and by-products recycling: major factors for agroecology in West African agro-sylvo-pastoral systems

December, 2022

Abstract In Western Africa, agro-sylvo-pastoral systems are dominant and food demand is booming. To meet this demand, many farmers intensify the production with industrial inputs (mineral fertilizers, feeds, pesticides, herbicides). However, the price of these inputs is rocketing. To face this issue, some farmers reconsider crops, livestock, and tree synergies and by-product recycling to increase their production sustainably at a lower cost.

AICCRA Continental Level Stakeholder Consultation Report

December, 2022

This report presents the findings of continental level stakeholder consultations conducted by the Policy theme of AICCRA during the month of September 2023. We undertook these consultations to gather inputs from stakeholders and feed them into the design process of the AICCRA Additional Financing (AF). Conversations with stakeholders focused on understanding the challenges faced, the opportunities presented and the priorities for AICCRA’s AF from various stakeholder perspectives.

One hundred priority questions for the development of sustainable food systems in Sub-Saharan Africa

December, 2022

Sub-Saharan Africa is facing an expected doubling of human population and tripling of food demand over the next quarter century, posing a range of severe environmental, political, and socio-economic challenges. In some cases, key Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are in direct conflict, raising difficult policy and funding decisions, particularly in relation to trade-offs between food production, social inequality, and ecosystem health.

Through the lens of inequality: what can we learn from CGIAR as a case study of research on the climate–security nexus?

December, 2022

Whether it is climate, conflict, or COVID-19, inequality is a key component of any crisis as it can reveal why some people and regions are disproportionately impacted over others. While climate impacts interacting with inequalities can exacerbate existing drivers of insecurity, it can also leave room for institutions and interventions to foster cooperation and build resilience and peace.

Climate Security Observatory – GUATEMALA. Summary for policymakers

December, 2022

Guatemala is considered to be one of the most exposed and vulnerable countries in Latin America to climate variability and extreme weather events, as well as non-climatic natural events. It is also a primary hotspot for climate change, as it is highly exposed to extreme weather events like tropical storms and droughts and has low capacity to cope with these impacts. This profile, derived from the Climate Security Observatory, answers: 1) HOW does climate worsen the root causes of conflict? 2) WHERE are the most vulnerable areas to climate induced insecurities and risks?

Strengthening capacity of extension officers in gender-responsive bean research, digital extension and agribusiness in Laikipia and Nyeri Counties, Kenya

December, 2022

Although seed is an integral part of the agri-food system, it is often unavailable and unaffordable to smallholder farmers in rural areas, especially women and vulnerable groups. In addition, the poor extension system of getting seeds and information to farmers remains a drawback to adoption and increased productivity. Further, increased climate variability exposes these vulnerable groups to risks like pests and diseases. This calls for more concerted and focused strategies by researchers and development actors to mitigate these challenges through robust partnerships and training.

National assessment and planning for improved fish handling in Solomon Islands

December, 2022
Solomon Islands

The report summarizes the discussions and interviews with provincial fisheries officers (PFOs) at the annual PFO conference in Honiara, November 23, 2022.The report also identifies the next steps needed to build a program on fish handling based on input from participants at the Fish Innovation project reflection workshop in Nusatupe, May 16–19, 2023.

Pollination supply models from a local to global scale

December, 2022

Ecological intensification has been embraced with great interest by the academic sector but is still rarely taken up by farmers because monitoring the state of different ecological functions is not straightforward. Modelling tools can represent a more accessible alternative of measuring ecological functions, which could help promote their use amongst farmers and other decision-makers. In the case of crop pollination, modelling has traditionally followed either a mechanistic or a data-driven approach.