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Participatory action research, social networks, and gender influence soil fertility management in Tanzania

December, 2022

Transformation of knowledge systems and fostering learning among smallholder farmers such as through participatory action research (PAR) is key to agricultural growth in rural sub-Saharan Africa. We investigate how PAR influences uptake/use of integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) while accounting for gendered, bonding and bridging social capital. Stratified by engagement in a mother-baby PAR and by resource endowments, 607 smallholder farmers were sampled from northern Tanzania.

Chitetezo Cooperative Federation Proof of Concept: Legume Value Chains, Changing Lives, Protecting Nature

December, 2022

Community Markets for Conservation (COMACO) is a social enterprise with a mission to work with communities to secure a better life and become good stewards of their natural resources. COMACO finances enhanced climate-smart agricultural practises through the adoption of a legume-based farming system and agroforestry that increase crop yields.

Phenotypic assessment of genetic gain from selection for improved drought tolerance in semi-tropical maize populations

December, 2022

Most maize production across the globe is rain-fed, and production is set to be negatively impacted as duration and occurrence of droughts increases due to climate change. Development of water-deficit tolerant maize germplasm has been a major focus for most breeding programmes. Here, we sought to assess the genetic gain for grain yield in two maize populations developed for drought tolerance at CIMMYT by evaluating their cycle progeny through hybrid performance.

Disruptive seeds and transformation pathways for Guatemala's food system

December, 2022

This presentation summarizes the Disruptive Seeds approach to transformative change and briefly explains how it is applied in the context of ClimBeR’s Policy Pathways research (Work Package 3) in Guatemala. It also describes the progress of the project thus far, the planning for 2023, and highlights a few promising seed initiatives (i.e., sustainable, bottom-up initiatives that can contribute to transformative change).

Effectiveness of the Yangambi biosphere reserve in reducing deforestation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

December, 2022

Establishing protected areas creates an opportunity to reduce deforestation. This study aims to inform the Congolese government’s efforts to promote forest and biodiversity conservation by assessing the effectiveness of the Yangambi Biosphere Reserve (YBR) in reducing deforestation. Group and individual interviews designed to understand the causes of pressure on forest cover in the Yangambi landscape complemented satellite imagery analyses. The results indicate that deforestation inside the YBR is not significantly different from outside the YBR.

Influence of rangeland protection and seasonal grazing on aboveground vegetation, forage quality and weight gain of small ruminants — a study in Thar Desert, Pakistan

December, 2022

The Thar Desert, Sindh, Pakistan is characterized by low productivity. Besides, economy is based on agriculture, livestock and mining, nevertheless, livestock graze freely on public and private land. The aim of this research was to determine biomass production and to evaluate the effects of continuous and seasonal grazing on protected and unprotected plots. A 45 ha protected rangeland area of Hurrabad in the Umerkot Thar desert was selected and divided into three blocks of 15 ha each. Blocks of the same size were also established in unprotected area.

Workshop report: The importance of indigenous voices in climate change policy (page 5)

December, 2022

This workshop provided a platform for indigenous peoples’ representatives to outline their priority needs to input into Third National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP, 2023-27) that is led by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry through the Climate Change Directorate. An accelerated programme of the finalisation has targeted the government launch of the NCCAP 2023-2027 at the Africa Climate Summit, in Kenya, in September 2023.

Sustainability transitions in West African agriculture and food systems

December, 2022

Scientific evidence is crucial for the transition towards sustainable and resilient agri-food systems. However, sustainability transitions research has been so far north-biased and overlooked the Global South. This paper analyses the scholarly literature on sustainability transitions in West African agriculture and food systems. In particular, it investigates the bibliometrics and geographical coverage of the research field and explores whether and how it addresses topics such as transition frameworks, niches, food security and sustainability.

Agronomic and economic performance of legume-legume and cereal-legume intercropping systems in Northern Tanzania

December, 2022

Cereal-legume intercropping, a common practice among farmers in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), is important for crop diversification, soil fertility improvement, household nutrition and climate adaptation. However, cereals often outcompete the intercropped legumes for growth resources resulting in low legume yields.

Combining manure with mineral N fertilizer maintains maize yields: evidence from four long-term experiments in Kenya

December, 2022

Crop productivity in sub-Saharan Africa cannot be substantially improved without simultaneously addressing short-term crop nutrient demand and long-term soil fertility. Integrated soil fertility management tackles both by the combined application of mineral fertilizers and organic resource inputs but few studies examined its‘ long-term effectiveness.