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The Administration Judge And The Protection Of Land Rights Of Citizens In Senegal

December, 2020

Context and backgroundIn Senegal, the rise in land disputes leads to questions about the place of the administration judge in the protection of the land rights of citizens. Indeed, most of the conflicts that arise either between farmers and herders, or between populations and private investors, are often resolved through alternative methods, namely conciliation or land mediation. Some conclude that there is a “preponderance” of alternative modes of resolving land disputes over jurisdictional modes.

Management Du Foncier Agricole Au Maroc ‘Anti-Commons’ Et Développement Durable

December, 2020

Les politiques foncières au Maroc étaient impuissantes à surmonter les contraintes au développement durable, en particulier celles liées au dualisme des statuts fonciers, à la structure de la propriété et aux modes d’accès et d’exploitation des terres. La fragmentation du foncier agricole associée au processus de privatisation, augmente les coûts de transaction et soulève des problèmes de coordination.

Contribution A L'Analyse De L'Insecurite Fonciere Dans Les Fronts Pionniers Des Marges Du Pays Bamoun (Ouest -Cameroun )

December, 2020

       Context and backgroundWith many physical and human potentials, the Bamun country in the western highlands of Cameroon, which is an agricultural area excellence is today experiencing serious socio-economic and spatial transformations. The coffee crises, growth in cash crop production and demographic pressure within the former agricultural spaces has favored the movement of producers towards pioneer fronts. The availability of land capital in these new agricultural spaces attracts migrants from other horizons.

Problématique Foncière Relative À L’Occupation De L’Espace Autour Des Monts Mbankolo Et Akok-Ndoué À Yaoundé

December, 2020

La divergence entre les normes urbanistiques, les modes d’acquisition foncière et pratiques foncières régit le mode d’occupation du sol dans la capitale camerounaise. Cette  recherche vise à analyser les logiques socio-spatiales qui conduisent à l’installation croissante des populations dans les espaces dits « non aedificandi ». La recherche s’est appuyée sur une recherche documentaire, des entretiens semi-directifs, observations directes et des enquêtes auprès de 100 ménages dans les quartiers Akok-Ndoué et Mbankolo.

Opportunities And Challenges Of Implementing A Spatial Data Infrastructure Case Study Of Rabat-Salé-Kenitra State In Morocco

December, 2020
United States of America

Context and backgroundA Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) for the Rabat-Salé-Kenitra (RSK) region represents a major opportunity to coordinate exchanges and share spatial data between several actors: producers or users of spatially referenced data on a regional scale.Goal and ObjectivesThe objective of this article is to analyze the potentialities and handicaps of the implementation of such a spatial data infrastructure in order to promote a better coordination of the different actors of the regional territories.MethodologyTo achieve this objective, a scientific survey was conducted to coll