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Tracking Adaptation and Measuring Development in Mozambique

Reports & Research
November, 2014

Tracking adaptation and measuring development (TAMD) is a twin-track framework that evaluates adaptation success. Track 1 assesses how widely and how well countries or institutions manage climate risks, while Track 2 measures the success of adaptation interventions in reducing climate vulnerability and in keeping development on course. This twin-track approach means that TAMD can be used to assess whether climate change adaptation leads to effective development, and how development interventions can boost communities’ capacity to adaptation to climate change.

El contexto de la deforestación y degradación de los bosques en Bolivia: de los bosques en Bolivia

Reports & Research
November, 2014
South America

Bolivia cuenta con una importante superficie de bosques, mayormente en su región sub-tropical y tropical. La deforestación alcanza aproximadamente 200.000 hectáreas por año, sobre todo en las tierras bajas, mientras que la degradación de bosques es más acentuada en los bosques andinos. La ganadería es actualmente la principal causa directa de deforestación, seguida por la agricultura mecanizada de mediana y gran escala, mayormente para la producción de soya, y luego la agricultura a pequeña escala.

Island Innovations – UNDP and GEF: Leveraging the environment for the sustainable development of Small Island Developing States

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2014

This publication, ‘Island Innovations – UNDP and GEF: Leveraging the Environment for the Sustainable Development of SIDS’, demonstrates that far from succumbing to these challenges, SIDS have time and again risen to the task of managing their fragile environments to meet their sustainable development goals.

Land-based adaptation and resilience : Powered by nature

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2014

Land has many uses. It provides water, food and energy. It is used to create wealth and employment and grow economies. And it provides other, often less obvious and tangible, services such as conserving biodiversity, storing carbon, purifying and storing water. It even regulates the Earth’s climate, for instance, by absorbing the heat from the sun. All of its uses are undermined and destroyed when land is degraded. Degrading the land disrupts these functions and leads to severe food, water and energy shortages.

Land Degradation Neutrality : Resilience at local, national and regional levels

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2014

Land degradation refers to any reduction or loss in the biological or economic productive capacity of the land resource base. It is generally caused by human activities, exacerbated by natural processes, and often magnified by and closely intertwined with climate change and biodiversity loss. SLM practices include the integrated management of crops (trees), livestock, soil, water, nutrients, biodiversity, disease and pests to optimize the delivery of a range of ecosystem services. The overall objective is to maximize provisioning services (e.g.

Land in numbers: Livelihoods at a tipping point

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2014

Numbers can tell a compelling story. In this brochure, the numbers highlight how much we rely on productive land. Amongst other valuable services, land feeds our families, provides fresh water and powers our future ambitions. Much of the data collected here, however, demonstrate how close we are to pushing our relationship with the land to breaking point. The magnitude of the challenges and potential consequences of failing to implement bold action on land and soil, in terms of future social stability and economic development, should not be underestimated.

Economics of Land Degradation Initiative : Practitioner’s Guide

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2014

Land has a value for each and every one of us. Fertile soil provides us with plant life, vegetables, grains, and fibres. Forests supply us with timber and firewood. We benefit from fresh water, food, and many other ecosystem services that land provides us with. Land is also emotionally valuable to people as well, perhaps through associating treasured memories such as playing on it as a child. In any case, all societies and people assign historical and cultural value to their landscapes, their nature, and all natural phenomena associated with land. However, lands are in danger.

Economics of land degradation in Eastern Africa. ZEF Policy brief

Reports & Research
November, 2014
Eastern Africa

Land degradation remains a serious threat to livelihoods in Eastern Africa. The total population of sub-Saharan Africa is currently estimated at 750 million people, but it is projected to exceed the one billion mark by 2020. The demand for food is putting increasing pressure on the natural resource base. The current debate on the land degradation situation in Eastern Africa is short of consensus because of misunderstanding misinterpretation and discrepancies in the available information.

Swiss banks and institutional investors financing landgrabbing companies

Reports & Research
November, 2014

Report assessed the financial relationships of 17 companies involved in land grabbing, human rights abuses or environmental pollution with 17 selected Swiss banks and institutional investors since January 2011. Financing categories include shares, bonds and loans. Countries involved include Cameroon, Liberia and Uganda.

Agricultural landscape changes and its resilience in response to the 2011 serious floods in the urban fringe of Bangkok

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2014

Using Bangmaenang District in the urban fringe of Bangkok Metropolitan Region in Thailand as a case study area, this study aims at examining agricultural land-use changes after the 2011 Floods with special focus on farmers' intentions of orchard use and management. Supervised image classifications were conducted for two GeoEye-1 images (before and after the floods) in order to identify agricultural land-cover changes by the floods.