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Food and Nutrition Security Policy and Action Plan

National Policies
March, 2014
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

The Food and Nutrition Security Policy and Action Plan constitute a national cross-sectoral strategic document of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Its main objective is to ensure long-term food and nutrition security and the enjoyment by all in the Caribbean Community Member States of the “right to food”.The document provides for elimination of hunger, food security and malnutrition. To this end, it sets out measures concerning implementation of a Zero Hunger Initiative which will reduce the level of hunger and undernourishment in St.

Remembering Elinor Ostrom

Reports & Research
March, 2014

This special issue of Policy Matters focuses on the outreach and impact of Dr. Elinor Ostrom's groundbreaking research on common property (or commons) theory. Her work was instrumental in shaping contemporary analyses of resource management and conservation, especially at a local level. This collection of research papers, essays, commentaries, and songs build upon her work and provide case studies demonstrating the practical application of her theoretical contributions. 

Forests and Climate Change After Warsaw: An Asia-Pacific Perspective

Reports & Research
March, 2014
South-Eastern Asia

The 19th Conference of Parties (COP) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was held in Warsaw, Poland, 11–22 November 2013. The outcomes of COP 19 are expected to have a significant impact on developments in the field of forests and climate change over the coming year. In view of this, forest sector stakeholders in the Asia-Pacific region require succinct and accurate information on the implications of COP 19 discussions and their significance to forest policy decisions and practice.

What Makes Green Cities Unique? Examining the Economic and Political Characteristics of the Grey-to-Green Continuum

Peer-reviewed publication
March, 2014

In the United States, urbanization processes have resulted in a large variety—or “continuum”—of urban landscapes. One entry point for understanding the variety of landscape characteristics associated with different forms of urbanization is through a characterization of vegetative (green) land covers. Green land covers—i.e., lawns, parks, forests—have been shown to have a variety of both positive and negative impacts on human and environmental outcomes—ranging from increasing property values, to mitigating urban heat islands, to increasing water use for outdoor watering purposes.

Urbanity and Urbanization: An Interdisciplinary Review Combining Cultural and Physical Approaches

Peer-reviewed publication
March, 2014
Czech Republic

This review paper focuses on research schemes regarding urbanity and urbanization, and brings together both cultural and physical approaches. First, we review the cultural and social construction of urbanity (as related to urbanization) in Germany. In the early 20th century, urbanity was mainly the result of identity derived from a historical perspective in cities.

Interrelationships of Land Use/Cover Change and Topography with Soil Acidity and Salinity as Indicators of Land Degradation

Peer-reviewed publication
March, 2014

As soil is the basis of all terrestrial ecosystems, degraded soil means lower fertility, reduced biodiversity and reduced human welfare. Therefore the focus of this paper is on elucidating the influence of land use and land cover (LULC) change on two important soil quality indicators that are fundamental to effective measures for ameliorating soil degradation; namely soil acidity and soil salinity in the Lower Hunter Valley of New South Wales, Australia. First, Analysis of Variance was used to elucidate the effects of LULC categories on soil acidity and salinity.

Preserving the Picturesque: Perceptions of Landscape, Landscape Art, and Land Protection in the United States and China

Peer-reviewed publication
March, 2014

The predominant environmental consciousness in both the United States and China reflects an underlying sense of separation of people from nature. Likewise, traditional landscape paintings in the United States and China share a common underlying aesthetic—i.e., the “picturesque”. Together, these similarities appear to have led to the preservation of similar types of landscapes in both countries.

Restoration of Prairie Hydrology at the Watershed Scale: Two Decades of Progress at Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge, Iowa

Peer-reviewed publication
March, 2014

Tallgrass prairie once occupied 67.6 million hectares in the North American Midwest but less than 0.1% remains today. Consisting of more than 2200 ha, Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge (NSNWR) was established by the US Fish and Wildlife Service in the 5217 ha Walnut Creek watershed in Jasper County, Iowa. Large tracts of land are being converted from row crop agriculture to native prairie and savanna with the goal to restore the landscape to a semblance of the condition that existed prior to Euro-American settlement.

In conversation with Ritesh Kumar : how can wetland management better take into account climate uncertainty, considering the risks posed to the important services wetlands provide?

March, 2014

How can wetland management better take into account climate uncertainty, considering the risks posed to the important services wetlands provide? Ritesh Kumar of Wetlands International --South Asia explains that climate change and environmental impacts are affecting the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of people that rely on wetland services provided by Chilika Lagoon in India. The project team is working with local government authorities to identify strategies for improving community resilience to such changes.

The Payment for Environmental Services in Costa Rica

Journal Articles & Books
March, 2014
Costa Rica

The payment of environmental services (PES) in Costa Rica has become a really important and novel issue which must be conceived as an economic instrument and a financial order system that tries to repay the land owners under the forest regime for the environmental benefits they provide to the country, in an effort to conserve and sustain the usage of primary and tropical forests.

Décret n° 2014-205 du 13 mars 2014 portant réglementation de la délivrance du permis de construire en République du Bénin.

March, 2014

Le présent décret détermine la procédure de délivrance du permis de construire en République du Bénin, acte par lequel une autorité publique compétente donne une autorisation à un projet de construction conformément aux données techniques, aux dispositions législatives et réglementaires en vigueur en matière d’urbanisme. Le permis de construire consacre le respect à priori des règles d’urbanisme, de construction, d’hygiène, de sécurité incendie et de risques de panique.