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Decreto Nº 11.441 - Por el cual se declara de interés nacional el documento denominado « Plan Marco Nacional de Desarrollo y Ordenamiento Territorial ».

July, 2013

El presente Decreto declara de interés nacional el documento "Plan Marco Nacional de Desarrollo y Ordenamiento Territorial", elaborado por la Secretaría Técnica de Planificación del Desarrollo Económico y Social.

Land governance of suburban areas of Vietnam: Dynamics and contestations of planning, housing and the environment

Reports & Research
July, 2013

After the Doi Moi (‘renovation’) reforms in Vietnam from 1986, land ownership rules were adjusted, effectively terminating former land collectivisation efforts. While land ownership remained fully under the control of the state, a 1993 land law conferred 20-year leaseholds to most farmers. They could now utilize farm land individually, and sell, swap and mortgage the land in a situation similar to private ownership. These leaseholds are now expiring and a new 2013 land law is in the making.

Using Remote Sensing to Quantify Vegetation Change and Ecological Resilience in a Semi-Arid System

Peer-reviewed publication
June, 2013

This research extends upon land cover change studies by incorporating methodological approaches, which are compatible with heterogeneous ecosystems, are able to link landscape changes to system processes, such as climate change, and provide potential linkages to concepts of ecological resilience. The study region in southern Africa experienced a significant climatic shift in the 1970s, resulting in drier conditions. The state of these ecosystems and their response to such climatic shock is quantified in terms of vegetation amount and heterogeneity.

Regional Deforestation Trends within Local Realities: Land-Cover Change in Southeastern Peru 1996–2011

Peer-reviewed publication
June, 2013

Estimating deforested areas and deforestation rates have become key steps for quantifying environmental services of tropical rain forests, particularly as linked to programs such as Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD). In Southeastern Peru, reliable estimates of land-cover change (LCC) are important for monitoring changes in the landscape due to agricultural expansion, pasture creation and other socio-economic influences triggered by the Inter-Oceanic Highway (IOH).

Interdependences between Smallholder Farming and Environmental Management in Rural Malawi: A Case of Agriculture-Induced Environmental Degradation in Malingunde Extension Planning Area (EPA)

Peer-reviewed publication
June, 2013

The objective of this article was to develop a deeper understanding of the interdependences between smallholder farming and the state of environmental management in rural Malawi. We examined the agricultural local governance framework in Malingunde Extension Planning Area (EPA), its contribution to food security and how it conflicts with overall land and forest resources management. The charcoal production process was discussed in line with its implications for agricultural production and environmental sustainability.

Historical and Contemporary Geographic Data Reveal Complex Spatial and Temporal Responses of Vegetation to Climate and Land Stewardship

Peer-reviewed publication
June, 2013

Vegetation and land-cover changes are not always directional but follow complex trajectories over space and time, driven by changing anthropogenic and abiotic conditions. We present a multi-observational approach to land-change analysis that addresses the complex geographic and temporal variability of vegetation changes related to climate and land use.

The Structure of the Cadastral System in Kenya

Journal Articles & Books
June, 2013

The cadastral system in Kenya was established in 1903 to cater for land alienation for the white settlers. Since then, a hundred years later, the structure of the system has remained more or less the same despite major changes in surveying technology. The government of Kenya has realized that the current structure is not conducive to economic demands of the 21st century and is interested in re-organizing the structure in line with the current constitutional dispensation and new paradigms in land management.

Enforcement Of Environmental Laws And Policies In Kenya Case Study: Nema

Reports & Research
June, 2013

The environmental sector in Kenya is one of great importance. However, attention in its protection and conservation from a legal point of view came to prominence a decade ago with the enactment of the Environmental and Management Coordination Act of 1999 and the subsequent formation of the National Environmental Management Authority under section 7 of the act.

Order No. 216 of the Ministry of Natural Resources validating the Regulation on protection area of state nature biosphere reserve “Sokhondinsky”.

June, 2013

This Regulation establishes that protection area of state nature biosphere reserve “Sokhondinsky” shall be established on adjacent areas with a view of protection of the protected area against negative anthropogenic impact. Land plots within the boundaries of protection area shall not be expropriated from landowners, land tenants, leaseholders and servitude holders and shall be management thereby in accordance with the established regime.

Adapting SWAT model for the evaluation of water harvesting systems in an arid environment: a case from Jordan

Conference Papers & Reports
June, 2013
Western Asia

Water scarcity and land degradation are widespread problems that affect agricultural productivity, food security and environmental quality in several parts of the world, particularly in the dry areas. Sustainable management of soil and water is necessary to optimize the use of limited rainwater for crop production and to decrease soil erosion. One management option is utilizing rainfall more efficiently through water harvesting. In arid areas, different types of water harvesting techniques (WHT) are being developed by

Social Safeguards in REDD+: A Review of Existing Initiatives and Challenges

Reports & Research
June, 2013
South-Eastern Asia

Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, as well as conservation and enhancement of forest carbon stocks and promoting sustainable management of forests in developing countries (REDD+) has been proposed as an effective mechanism to mitigate the impacts of climate change.