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Environmental impacts and simultaneity of positive and negative storm surges on the coast of the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Journal Articles & Books
January, 2013

The Argentine shore of the Rio de la Plata estuary and its southwards adjacent maritime front are normally affected by extratropical positive and negative storm surges that affect human activities seriously. Positive surges can raise the water level in the estuary by more than 3m over the predicted tide; thus, flooding the coastal plain where over 13 million people live and causing extensive property damage. Sometimes, there has been loss of life too.

Media perceptions and portrayals of pastoralists in Kenya, India and China

January, 2013

Through the analysis of newspaper articles and a survey of journalists, this publication identifies gaps and highlights differences in how the media portray pastoralism in Kenya, China and India. In discussing their methodology, the authors note that their reliance on national, English-language publications meant that they were not able to include data from vernacular language press in pastoral regions.Although able to make significant contributions to food security, livelihoods and economic prosperity, the benefits of pastoralism often go unnoticed.

Key reference material for social & gender issues linked to tackling deforestation

January, 2013

This reference list has been collated – as part of a HelpDesk enquiry that was undertaken by the Evidence on Demand team – to peer-review social and gender issues in a business case, relating to forests and climate change. Whilst not exhaustive, this list may act as a useful resource in the development of future business cases. References are divided into two main categories: 1.Gender issues and forestry Gender participation, empowerment and forests  Gender research and sustainable forestry  Gender mainstreaming  Gender and agriculture  Gender, climate change and forests

Governing the forests: an institutional analysis of REDD+ and community forest management in Asia

January, 2013
Eastern Asia
Southern Asia

This report examines the history, structure and monitoring mechanisms of REDD+ to better understand how it impacts upon, and interacts with, Community Forest Management (CFM). It presents case studies of CFM and REDD+ governance from Bangladesh, Indonesia and India, and concludes with some lessons learned.REDD+ is an example of multilevel governance that uses a variety of institutional structures and processes aimed at promoting sustainable management of forests, including financial incentives to reduce deforestation and forest degradation.

Mesoamerican coffee: building a climate change adaptation strategy

January, 2013
Latin America and the Caribbean

In Mesoamerica, coffee is an important part of agricultural GDP and export revenues which supports about half a million farmers, and employs millions of people on the farms and all along the supply chain. This policy brief summarises the potential risks and impacts of climate change on coffee farming in the region. Traditional coffee agroforests provide important ecosystem services and conserve significant carbon stocks.

Decreto Nº 1 – Aprueba Reglamento del Registro de Emisiones y Transferencias de Contaminantes.

January, 2013

Mediante este Decreto se aprueba el Reglamento del Registro de Emisiones y Transferencias de Contaminantes, que constituye una base de datos accesible al público, destinada a capturar, recopilar, sistematizar, conservar, analizar y difundir la información sobre emisiones, residuos y transferencias de contaminantes potencialmente dañinos para la salud y el medio ambiente que son emitidos al entorno, generados en actividades industriales o no industriales o transferidos para su valorización o eliminación.

How are farmers adapting to climate change in Vietnam? Endogeneity and sample selection in a rice yield model

Reports & Research
December, 2012

This paper examines how a changing climate may affect rice production and how Vietnamese farmers are likely to adapt to various climatic conditions using an innovative yield function approach, taking into account sample selection bias and endogeneity of inputs. Model results suggest that although climate change can potentially reduce rice production, farmers will respond mainly by adjusting the production portfolio and levels of input use.

Financing to combat desertification, land degradation and the effects of drought

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2012

Desertification/land degradation is rarely accounted for as an economic issue, and drought barely accounted for as a disaster. Because desertification, land degradation and drought are slow and silent phenomena, they have a way of creeping up on us and thereby leading us to underestimate their socio-economic impacts.

Financement de la lutte contre la désertification, la dégradation des terres et les effets de la sécheresse

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2012

La désertification et la dégradation des terres sont rarement considérées comme un problème économique et la sécheresse est à peine considérée comme une catastrophe. Du fait que la désertification, la dégradation des terres et la sécheresse sont des phénomènes lents et muets, ils progressent peu à peu, nous conduisant à sous-estimer leurs incidences socio-économiques

Financiación para luchar contra la desertificación, la degradación de la tierra y los efectos de la sequía

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2012

La desertificación/degradación de la tierra raramente está considerada como un tema económico, y la sequía rara vez como un desastre. Dado que la desertificación, la degradación de la tierra y la sequía son procesos lentos y sigilosos, su avance es subrepticio, y nos inducen a subestimar sus efectos socioeconómicos.

Migratory species and desertification

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2012

Migratory species come in all shapes and sizes, from tiny insects and birds to large buffalo and elephants, to sharks and dolphins or snakes . Whether their journey crosses thousands of kilometers, or just a few, migratory species play essential roles in ecosystems worldwide. But their diverse habitats are threatened by land degradation and desertification.