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Does Large Scale Agricultural Investment Benefit the Poor?

Reports & Research
December, 2010

The current study attempts to examine whether large-scale agricultural investment of this type benefits the poor and how this investment can be implemented to increase benefits for the poor. It is arguable whether the poor need more land to grow crops to meet their food security requirements or need to benefit from large-scale agricultural investment in Cambodia. Although the poor households are capable of operating small plots of a few hectares each, they generally lack capital and the means to work large chunks of new land with forests or degrade forests.

Donor-driven land reform in Cambodia – Property rights, planning, and land value taxation

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2010

This paper focuses on legal and economic instruments of the multi-donor-driven land reform in Cambodia with its overarching aim of achieving tenure security and reparation after the Khmer Rouge. Land tenure applies to state public/state private property and private property. The essential property form for public land management is state public property. This property must be interpreted in the future as the property of Cambodian people that serves all human beings in the country.

Land Policy for Socio-economic Development in Vietnam

Reports & Research
December, 2010

FIRST PARAGRAPH OF OVERVIEW: This paper is part of a study “Policy Analysis for the Development of Land Policy for Socio- Economic Development.” Land policy relates to the institutional arrangements through which the Government of Vietnam defines which individuals and groups have access to rights in land and the circumstances that apply to gaining and retaining that access.

Land Tenure: A foundation for food security in Myanmar's uplands

Reports & Research
December, 2010

Access to land for smallholder farmers is a critical foundation for food security in Myanmar's uplands. Land tenure guarantees seem to be eroding and access to land becoming more difficult in some upland areas. If this trend continues it may have negative impacts for food security and undermine environmental and economic sustainability. This briefing paper explores the relationship between land tenure and food security, as well as key institutional and other factors that influence land access and tenure for smallholder farmers in the uplands today.

Revitalizing Agriculture in Myanmar: Breaking Down Barriers, Building a Framework for Growth

Reports & Research
December, 2010

ABSTRACTED FROM THE INTRODUCTION: This is a study of the rice economy in Myanmar. It seeks to identify barriers and bottlenecks that are hindering growth and depressing value in a sector that must play a central role in alleviating the extreme poverty that currently afflicts an expanding proportion of rural households.

Social Land Policy for Sustainable Rural Development in Cambodia

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2010

On 1st of July 2009, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen signed the “Declaration of the Royal Government on Land Policy”. According to this document emphasis should be given to State reform, land law, and environmental law with their impacts on the use of non-renewable resources (land, water, and soil). The implementation of the Cambodian social land policy should start with the need to ensure access to land and to sustain rural development and environment for a modern, prosperous Cambodia.

Simulating the effects of tax exemptions on fertiliser use in Benin by linking biophysical and economic models

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2010
Western Africa

The sluggish increase in the area productivity of staple crops is a major factor causing increased dependence of African countries on food imports. The increased use of mineral fertiliser may dramatically improve the food balance of many countries and result in lower food prices, higher food supply and consumption, and improved food security and nutritional status. In Benin, West Africa, political measures to improve farmers' access to fertiliser are biased in favour of cotton production.

Irrigation in the context of today's global food crisis

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2010

During 2008 the world witnessed a global food crisis which caused social unrest in many countries and drove 75 million more people into poverty. The crisis resulted from sharply higher oil prices, increased bio-fuel production, dwindling grain stocks, market speculation, changing food consumption patterns in emerging economies, and changes in world trade agreements, among other factors. Although the rise in food prices was sudden, the fragility of global food security had been developing for years.


Journal Articles & Books
December, 2010
United States of America
South America

Az élelmiszerárak növekedése 2006–2008 között a világ egyes térségeiben zavargásokhoz és a politikai stabilitás megrendüléséhez vezetett. Különösen fejlődő országokban súlyos a helyzet, ahol a legszegényebb rétegek jövedelmük döntő hányadát élelmiszerekre költik. Az agrárpiacokon a kereslet vált meghatározóvá, mennyiségi (humáncélú és ipari felhasználás rohamos növekedése) és minőségi értelemben (élelmiszer-fogyasztás szerkezetének változása).

Rizipiscicultura: alternativa para la seguridad alimentaria

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2010

Rice-fish farming: A food security alternative Rice-fish farming is a biological or clean production system that consists of the simultaneous farming of rice and fish on the same land and at the same time; in other words, in the plots flooded for rice cultivation. Rice is the main product and has greater economic importance, whereas the fish is both a source of additional income and a protein supplement that improves the nutritional quality of farmers’ diets.

Participatory Geographic Information Systems (P-GIS) for natural resource management and food security in Africa : ict4d article, August 2010

Institutional & promotional materials
December, 2010

Access to land is highly dependent on social status (ethnicity, social class) and family status (position in the household) of individuals. Women's access to land varies according to eco-geographical zones and as well, is dependent on their particular position and rank in the family household. Despite a formal recognition of the right of women to land in the Senegalese national Strategy for Gender Equality and Equity (SNEEG), social or cultural claims are always made to justify their limited access to resources.

Stadslandbouw voorbeelden : Inspiratie door variatie

Reports & Research
December, 2010

Een aantal steden in Nederland pioniert met het verbinden van stad en platteland, met het idee dat het verbinden van stad en platteland kan bijdragen aan een gezonde en leefbare stad. Iedere stad heeft hier haar eigen redenen voor, variërend van het bevorderen van een aantrekkelijke woonomgeving, duurzaamheid, sociale cohesie of gezondheid. De landbouw speelt een belangrijke rol in het verbinden van stad en ommeland. Een term die daarom veel gehoord wordt in de discussie over de groene loper en de relatie stad - ommeland is stadslandbouw