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Regional Law No. 107-oz “On turnover of agricultural land”.


This Regional Law regulates turnover of agricultural land except for agricultural land parcels allotted to citizens for individual subsistence farming, gardening, horticulture and stockbreeding. Minimum agricultural land area shall not be under one hectare and maximum agricultural land area shall not exceed 10 percent of total available agricultural land area within the boundaries of a given municipal unit. Agricultural land parcels shall be allotted to citizens in ownership or on lease through tenders.

Act No. 77 of 1985 relative to planning and construction.


This Act provides rules relative development and to town and country planning in Norway. The Act consists of more than 150 sections divided into 22 Chapters: General provisions (I); Planning and construction authorities (II); Consultation, communication, information (III); Planning at national level (IV); Planning at county level (V); Planning at municipal level (VI); Local Development Plan (VII); Impact assessments (VII-a); Expropriation (VIII); Reimbursement of costs of roads, waterworks, etc.

Regional Law No. 111 “On particulars of turnover of agricultural land”.


This Regional Law regulates relations dealing with ownership, tenure and disposal of agricultural land plots. In order to regulate the aforesaid issues authorized regional state institution in the sphere of land relations. Agricultural land shall be used exclusively for specific agricultural purposes by methods preventing damages, such as degradation, pollution, littering up and other negative impact. Owners of agricultural land plots must carry out periodically soil fertility tests.

Land Act (Cap. 227).


This Act makes provision with respect to a wide variety of matters regarding land in Uganda such as land tenure, customary ownerhip, grant of land in freehold, management of communal land, management of land by the Uganda Land Commission, land-use control and functioning of land tribunals.

Soil and Land Conservation Act, 1945.


The Act (48 sections, 1 Schedule) is divided into 6 Parts: Preliminary (I), Administration (II), Soil Conservation Service (III), Soil Conservation Reserves (IV), Areas of Erosion Hazard (V) and Miscellaneous (VI). The Soil Conservation Service is established as part of the Department of Agriculture, headed by the Commissioner of Soil Conservation, as well as the Soil Conservation Advisory Committee. The administration may declare areas to be Soil Conservation Reserves or Area of Erosion Hazard.

Land Acquisition Law.


The Law facilitates the acquisition of land and other immovable property for public purposes. The governor may authorize a public utility undertaking, after which a recommendation to acquire land will be made to the Governor, based on a preliminary investigation. After the sanctioning of the acquisition, the land shall vest absolutely in the Government. If no agreement has been reached on the compensation within three months after notification of such sanction, the Acquiring Authority shall apply to the Compensation Assessment Tribunal.

Landlord and Tenant (Forms, Fees and Costs) Rules.


Rules to implement provisions of the Landlord and Tenant Act. The forms set out in Part I of the Schedule to these Rules are prescribed pursuant to section 69 of the Landlord and Tenant Act. The fees and costs set out in Part II of the said Schedule are the fees and costs which are to be demanded and taken in respect of the several matters to be done under the said Act. Forms contain distress warrant, inventory of goods distrained, order for recovery of possession, ejectment warrant, fees and costs are related to recovery of possession, court proceedings, distress, etc.

Native Title (Tribunal) Regulations 1993.


These Regulations make provision with respect to administrative and legal proceedings at the Native Title Tribunal and various other acts relating to native title such as the payment of fees, making frequent reference to provisions of the Native Title Act, e.g. applications for purposes of paragraph 76 (a) of the Act.