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Assurer la Participation des Femmes dans la Foresterie Communautaire

Reports & Research
May, 2022
République démocratique du Congo
Guinée équatoriale

Les forêts communautaires ont été invoquées pour la première fois lors de la réforme de la loi de 1994 sur les forêts au Cameroun. Ceci dans le but de permettre aux communautés d’avoir un espace qu’elles pourraient gérer de manière participative et dans lequel elles pourraient mener des activités dans le cadre d’une convention signée avec l’Etat, à travers le ministère des forêts et de la faune (MINFOF).

Lisez le rapport ici

Women’s Land-Related Human Rights in Mozambique:

Journal Articles & Books
May, 2022

Mozambique is a State Party to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, and the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa. Over the last two decades, the government of Mozambique has developed legal and policy frameworks to align its legislation with core human rights instruments, promote gender equality, and foster women’s land rights. Mozambique has gained considerable international recognition for these important efforts.

Injustice against Women in a Social Forestry Program: Case Studies from Two Indonesian Villages

Journal Articles & Books
May, 2022

Social forestry programs, aimed to reduce poverty in forest communities while maintaining the forest function, are increasingly incorporating gender issues and responsiveness. By design, social forestry program is supposed to promote justice and equality for forest users, but on the ground discriminatory practices against women are occurring. Drawing case study from two Indonesian villages, this study examined the extent of discrimination against women in the implementation of the state social forestry programs.


April, 2022
América Latina y el Caribe

PRIMER INFORME Sombra de Mujeres de los Pueblos y Nacionalidades del Ecuador al Comité sobre la Eliminación de la Discriminación contra las mujeres- CEDAW Somos mujeres de la selva, de los páramos y de las orillas del mar de la tierra del sol recto. Hemos luchado por nuestro autoreconocimiento como pueblos y nacionalidades, así como por nuestra autodeterminación y autonomía territorial a través de la Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador. Nos articulamos en 18 pueblos y 14 nacionalidades. Somos 2.9 millones de mujeres viviendo en el campo ecuatoriano.

Invisible And Excluded: Risks To Informal Wives And Partners From Land Tenure Formalization And Titling Campaigns In Latin America

Reports & Research
February, 2022
Latin America and the Caribbean

Latin American countries have pursued rural land titling and registration campaigns over the past several decades with a broad range of social and economic goals. These efforts represent a permanent or long-term legal recognition of rights to land as a primary economic asset for agricultural communities and a source of family subsistence, security, and social and cultural wellbeing. Land rights can provide multi-generational benefits to recipients.

Land Portal Annual Report 2021

Reports & Research
February, 2022

Letter from the Team Leader

The Land Portal Foundation is proud to support land stakeholders around the world to nurture a growing information ecosystem that is informing and improving land-related decision-making, policy, and practice at all levels.

Informe Anual Land Portal 2021

Reports & Research
February, 2022


Carta de la líder de equipo

La Fundación Land Portal se enorgullece de apoyar a los actores involucrados en la tierra en todo el mundo para alimentar un creciente ecosistema de información que está informando y mejorando la toma de decisiones, la política y la práctica relacionadas con la tierra en todos los niveles.

Rapport annuel Land Portal 2021

Reports & Research
February, 2022

La Land Portal Foundation est fière de soutenir les parties prenantes du secteur foncier dans le monde entier afin d'alimenter un écosystème d'information croissant qui informe et améliore les décisions, les politiques et les pratiques liées au foncier à tous les niveaux.

Relatório Anual do Land Portal 2021

Reports & Research
February, 2022

A Land Portal Foundation se orgulha de apoiar pessoas interessadas na terra ao redor do mundo para nutrir um crescente ecossistema de informação que está informando e melhorando as decisões, políticas e práticas relacionadas à terra em todos os níveis.