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Stunted child - overweight mother pairs

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2002

This paper explores the global prevalence of an emerging phenomenon: the coexistence of a stunted child and an overweight mother in the same household. It also tests whether this phenomenon is associated with a country's level of economic development and urbanization. Policy directions for public nutrition are highlighted. Data from 36 Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) were used (23 in Africa, 8 in Latin America, and 5 in Asia). Stunting was defined as height-for-age 25 kg/m 2 .

Impacts of programs and organizations on the adoption of sustainable land management technologies in Uganda

Reports & Research
December, 2002
Eastern Africa

The government of Uganda is currently decentralizing many of its services including those directly related to agriculture and the environment. Non-government organizations (NGOs) and community-based organizations (CBOs) are being asked to take the lead in the provision of government services such as agricultural extension during the transition to demand driven fee-for-service. This paper explores the role of government programs, NGOs and CBOs in the adoption of land management technologies.

Guatemala City

December, 2002
Latin America and the Caribbean

The Hogares Comunitarios Program (HCP) was established in Guatemala City in 1991 as a direct response to the increased need for affordable and reliable childcare for women in urban Guatemala. The government-sponsored pilot program was designed as a strategy to alleviate poverty by providing working parents with low-cost, quality childcare within their communities. The program aimed at promoting child development and at filling the existing gap in preschool education in Guatemala. The pilot program rapidly expanded to both urban and rural areas of all 22 departments of the country.

Tanzania Agricultural Sector Policy.

National Policies
December, 2002

Tanzania Agricultural Sector Policy 2003 is a national cross-sectoral policy with an overall goal to promote sustainable development of the agricultural sector for economic, social and environmental benefits for its people.Improvement of food insecurity and nutrition is amongst the objectives of this strategy.

Política de Equidad de Género en el Sector de la Gestión Ambiental y su Plan de Acción 2003-2008.

National Policies
December, 2002

El presente documento establece la Política de Equidad de Género en el Sector de la Gestión Ambiental y su Plan de Acción, que tienen alcance nacional y se refieren al período 2003-2008. La política tiene por objetivo principal propiciar dentro del Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (MARN) la equidad de género en todas las políticas, programas, proyectos y planes de acción que se emitan. Entre los objetivos específicos, cabe destacar el de impulsar una eficaz política ambiental que propicie y fomente oportunidades, con base en los derechos humanos.

Rwanda Environmental Policy.

National Policies
December, 2002

The protection and management of environment are among the pillars of Vision 2020. The objective of the Government is that by 2020, it will have built a nation in which pressure on natural resources, particularly on land, water, biomass and biodiversity, has significantly been reduced and the process of environmental pollution and degradation has been reversed; a nation in which the management and protection of these resources and environment are more rational and well regulated in order to preserve and bequeath to future generations the basic wealth necessary for sustainable development.

A indispensável terra africana para o aumento da riqueza dos pobres

Journal Articles & Books
May, 2002

Este artigo junta-se aos esforços de muitos outros africanos, entendendo-se por pobreza não só os níveis de rendimento por dia por pessoa, mas também a pobreza como ausência de poder nas relações intra-familiares, entre estas e os demais actores e entre a sociedade no seu todo e os recursos naturais de que se dispõe no Continente Africano.

Malawi National Land Policy.

National Policies
January, 2002

The goal of the National Land Policy in Malawi is to ensure tenure security and equitable access to land, to facilitate the attainment of social harmony and broad based social and economic development through optimum and ecologically balanced use of land and land based resources.A number of specific land policy objectives have to be satisfied in order to achieve the overall goal, particularly: a) Promote tenure reforms that guarantee security and instill confidence and fairness in all land transactions: Guarantee secure tenure and equitable access to land without any gender bias and/or disc

Gender and access to land

Reports & Research
January, 2002

This study stresses the importance of land for the rural poor as a source of livelihood and describes the gendered and often inequitable experience of access to land and other natural resources. It also provides a set of guidelines for actions to increase women's access to land, including awareness raising, and emphasises the need for better contextual udnerstanding of the gendered aspects in land allocation and adjudication. The report also provides suggestions for indicators of secure land access prior to, during and after programs of intervention.

Tackling gender issues in sustainable land management

Training Resources & Tools
December, 2001

This toolkit provides a framework for main-streaming gender in rural development activities.It addresses the lack of conceptual and practical tools in the area of sustainable land management. Its modular design allows for individual approaches and targets development staff at the project and programme levels, with the aim of helping them to find practical ways of dealing with gender issues in rural development activities.

Does subsidized childcare help poor working women in urban areas?

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2001

High urbanization rates in Latin America are accompanied by an increase in women’s participation in the labor force and the number of households headed by single mothers. Reliable and affordable childcare alternatives are thus becoming increasingly important in urban areas. The Hogares Comunitarios Program (HCP), established in Guatemala City in 1991, was a direct response to the increasing need of poor urban dwellers for substitute childcare.