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Scaling Up Sustainable Land Management and Restoration of Degraded Land

Conference Papers & Reports
August, 2017

With current rates of land degradation reaching
ten to twelve million ha per year, there is an
urgent need to scale up and out successful,
profitable and resource-efficient sustainable
land management practices to maintain the
health and resilience of the land that humans
depend on. As much as 500 million out of
two billion ha of degraded land, mainly in
developing countries, have restoration potential,
offering an immediate target for restoration
and rehabilitation initiatives.1 In the past,

Gobernanza Responsable y Tenencia Segura del Suelo Urbano y Peri-Urbano: Marco para el Diálogo y la Acción en América Latina y el Caribe

Reports & Research
August, 2017
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic

Articulo presentado al 3er Congreso Iberoamericano de Suelo Urbano, Curitiba, Brasil, agosto 2017 El objetivo del artículo es presentar los principales hallazgos del estudio, ilustrando las ideas fuerza con datos y hechos característicos de los diferentes países.

Building Resilience for Peace: Water, Security, and Strategic Interests in Mindanao, Philippines

Journal Articles & Books
July, 2017

The Philippines faces a breadth of social and environmental challenges that threaten its economic and political stability. A long history of violent conflict stemming from ethnic, religious, and political tensions is further complicated by changing weather patterns that cause severe drought and damaging storms. Millions of people in Mindanao have been displaced by violence and extreme weather events, and their migration from rural areas leaves room for the expansion of terrorist groups that threaten regional stability.

Changes in Property Rights and Management of High-Elevation Rangelands in Bhutan: Implications for Sustainable Development of Herder Communities

Peer-reviewed publication
July, 2017

Property rights and management regimes for high-elevation rangelands in Bhutan have evolved over centuries in response to environmental, cultural, and political imperatives. The 2007 Land Act of Bhutan aims to redress historical inequities in property rights by redistributing grazing leases to local livestock owners in a process known as rangeland nationalization.

Habitat LABs Suelo Urbano

Manuals & Guidelines
July, 2017
Dominican Republic
El Salvador

Infográfico Habitat LABs Suelo Urbano Una estratégia para el desarrollo de capacidades e incidencia en políticas públicas.

FAO and the SDGs

Reports & Research
June, 2017

On 25 September 2015, the 193 Member States of the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – including 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets – committing the international community to end poverty and hunger and achieve sustainable development between 2016 and 2030. Six months later, a global indicator framework for the SDGs – comprising 230 indicators - was identified to monitor the 169 targets and track progress, becoming the foundation of the SDGs’ accountability structure.

Consultative Meeting on Mechanization Strategy

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
June, 2017
Sub-Saharan Africa

Sustainable agricultural mechanization (SAM) is an essential input for the development of the smallholder farm sector in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The benefits of SAM range from drudgery reduction to improved timeliness of agricultural operations, increased input use efficiency, facilitating sustainable production intensification, ensuring environmental protection, and contributing to make agriculture more ‘climate-smart’. SAM is also important at other levels of the food supply system, for example in post-harvest operations, processing, marketing and transportation.

Diretrizes de Apoio e Promoção da Agricultura Familiar nos Estados membros da CPLP

Manuals & Guidelines
May, 2017
Equatorial Guinea
Sao Tome and Principe
Cape Verde
Macao S.A.R

Diretrizes de Apoio e Promoção da Agricultura Familiar nos Estados membros da CPLP aprovadas na II Reunião extraordinária do Conselho Regional de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional da CPLP (CONSAN-CPLP)

Estratégia nacional de Conservação da Natureza e Biodiversidade ENCNB 2025 (Portugal)

Manuals & Guidelines
May, 2017

A ENCNB é um instrumento fundamental da prossecução da política de ambiente e na resposta às responsabilidades nacionais e internacionais de reduzir a perda de património natural. Avaliações à escala regional e global evidenciam, de modo crescente, que a prosperidade económica e o bem-estar da sociedade são suportados pelo capital natural, o que inclui os ecossistemas naturais e os seus serviços cuja funcionalidade depende, em larga escala, da utilização sustentável e eficiente dos recursos.

UN-Habitat - SDG 11.3 Sustainable urbanization

May, 2017

A defining feature of many of the world’s cities is an outward expansion far beyond formal administrative boundaries, largely propelled by the use of the automobile, poor urban and regional planning and land speculation. A large proportion of cities both from developed and developing countries have high consuming suburban expansion patterns which often extend to even further peripheries. Cities need to accommodate new and thriving urban functions such as transportation routes, etc. as they expand.

Agricultural Policy and Strategic Framework, June 2017.

National Policies
May, 2017

This revised agricultural policy and strategic framework provides a coherent policy framework to address the key challenges in Timor-Leste. The Government recognizes that there is no simple "solution by technology". The Government will therefore re-orient agricultural and rural development policies that will redefine incentives and reduce barriers to food and agricultural systems transformation. Particular attention will be given to supporting small-scale, low-income farmers in strengthening their capacity to manage risks and adopt effective strategies to adapt to climate change.