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Scarred lands and wounded lives

September, 2017

Scarred Lands and Wounded Lives is a compelling documentary exploring the under-reported environmental impacts of war and preparations for war. The film confronts the immensely broad ecological and human ramifications of everything from technological development and natural resource exhaustion to weapons testing and modern warfare itself.

Healing the scars of war: the women rebuilding Mozambique's national park - video

August, 2017

In the heart of central Mozambique, Gorongosa park was destroyed in the crossfire of the country's civil war. Now women are leading the way in its restoration, helping to heal the scars left by the conflict and inspiring young girls from the surrounding communities, through an education programme that offers them the promise of a brighter future

The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction as a Tool for Conflict Prevention

August, 2017

The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) is a non-legally binding agreement designed to reduce existing levels of risk and prevent emerging risks. While references to conflict were deleted from the final text, Sendai addresses issues parallel to those that would need to be addressed in a prevention and sustaining peace agenda.

The Framework, if properly implemented, would tackle three sets of factors that increase both disaster and conflict risks:

Port Loko Declaration: Women say “We want our lands back!”

Training Resources & Tools
July, 2017
Sierra Leone

We, leaders of groups of women affected by the expansion of industrial monoculture plantations, particularly oil palm plantations, coming from all regions in Sierra Leone and different countries from West and Central Africa;

We, national and international organizations involved in the struggle for the rights of women and local communities in Africa, Latin America and Asia, signatories of this declaration, met from 14 to 15 August 2017 in Port Loko, Sierra Leone.

With Soymilk to the Khmer Rouge: Challenges of Researching Ex-combatants in Post-war Contexts

Journal Articles & Books
June, 2017

This contribution suggests how to identify and deal with ex-combatants in (un)peaceful post-war environments from a methodological perspective. While it is obvious that large-N studies or standardized interviews fall too short to depict post-war dynamics and related conflict risks, ethnographic methods face numerous challenges, too. First, the identification of and access to former combatants may prove to be difficult. Often being stigmatized or perceived as outlaws they may not wish to get in touch with ‘outsiders’, like academics.

Large-scale land deals in Sierra Leone at the intersection of gender and lineage

Journal Articles & Books
June, 2017
Sierra Leone

There is wide engagement with large-scale land deals in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly from the perspectives of development and international political economy. Recently, scholars have increasingly pointed to a gendered lacuna in this literature. Engagement with gender tends to focus on potential differential impacts for men and women, and it also flags the need for more detailed empirical research of specific land deals.

Property Rights and Resource Governance Profile

Reports & Research
June, 2017
Côte d'Ivoire

The West African country of Côte d’Ivoire is divided between two large agro-ecological zones: the northern savannah zone, where food crops, cotton and livestock predominate; and the fertile forest zone of the south, where most of the country’s cash crops, including cocoa and coffee, are produced. Nearly 64% of land in Côte d’Ivoire is used for agricultural purposes, and 68% of the labor force works in agriculture.

Enclosure, dispossession, and the green economy: new contours of internal displacement in Liberia and Sierra Leone?

Journal Articles & Books
May, 2017
Sierra Leone

Through a review of recent writings in political ecology and agrarian studies, this paper appraises the potential for emerging forms of ‘green economy’ initiatives to catalyze new forms of internal displacement in West Africa, with specific emphasis on the postwar contexts of Liberia and Sierra Leone.

Spatial Monitoring Report on SOCFIN Agricultural Company Sierra Leone Ltd. in Malen Chiefdom, Pujehun District, Sierra Leone

Reports & Research
April, 2017
Sierra Leone

Since the onset of the phenomenon of large scale land acquisition for agri-business in Sierra Leone, after the first whistle was blown by Green Scenery, many studies have been conducted by various researchers, some to meet requirements for degree thesis, others for policy and development purposes. There is the fear in a school of thought opposed to large scale land acquisition that there is danger in corporate entities ascribing huge portions of land to themselves in the guise of investment and annihilating the actual land owners.

Understanding, preventing and solving land conflicts: A practical guide and toolbox

Training Resources & Tools
March, 2017

This guide is intended for practitioners who are confronted with land conflicts in the course of their work or are in a position to prevent them and/or include land governance as one pillar in their policies. It aims to broaden the understanding of the complexity of causes that lead to land conflicts in order to provide for better-targeted ways of addressing such conflicts, and provides a number of tools with which to analyse land disputes. In addition, this guidebook discusses a wide variety of options and tools for settling ongoing land conflicts and for preventing new ones.

The State of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Sri Lanka

Reports & Research
March, 2017
Sri Lanka

Coming two years after a political transition from post-war authoritarianism, this Shadow Report to the United Nations Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights is framed in the backdrop of two concurrent processes of ‘transformation’ currently underway in Sri Lanka. The first is the process of constitutional reform initiated by the Government that was elected on the platform of restoring democratic, inclusive and accountable governance.