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Rebellion and Agrarian Tensions in Sierra Leone

Journal Articles & Books
May, 2011
Sierra Leone

This paper assesses the extent to which customary governance in Sierra Leone can be held responsible for an increasingly unstable two‐class agrarian society. A case is made for regarding the civil war (1991–2002) as being an eruption of long‐term, entrenched agrarian tensions exacerbated by chiefly rule. Evidence is presented to suggest that the main rebel movement embodied in its plans to reorganize agricultural production some grasp of these longer‐term agrarian problems. Postwar attempts to implement co‐operative farming and mining are then described.

Đồng thuận dựa trên nguyên tắc Tự nguyện, Trước và được Thông tin đầy đủ trong REDD+

Training Resources & Tools
January, 2011

Cuốn sách hướng dẫn này cung cấp nền tảng cơ sở cho việc phát triển hướng dẫn quốc gia cụ thể về Đồng thuận dựa trên nguyên tắc Tự nguyện, Trước và được Thông tin đầy đủ trong REDD+.

A Post-liberal Peace

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2010

This book examines how the liberal peace experiment of the post-Cold War environment has failed to connect with its target populations, which have instead set about transforming it according to their own local requirements.

Quick Guide to Land and Conflict Prevention

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2010

This Quick Guide to Land and Conflict Prevention presents approaches and alternatives for addressing tensions over land, resources and property which left unaddressed may lead to violent conflict. Historical grievances and competing claims to access rights, tenure insecurity and unequal distribution of land are common causes of such tension. Current trends in population growth, climate change, environmental degradation, resettlement, and land use patterns, including large scale acquisitions, create a very real and rapidly growing potential for conflict.

REDD-Net Asia-Pacific Bulletin #2: The Role of Trust in REDD+

Institutional & promotional materials
October, 2010
South-Eastern Asia

As negotiations on the shape of REDD+ continue at national and global levels, REDD-Net’s network of civil society organizations has identified the issue of trust as a high priority for further examination. In this issue RECOFTC explores the importance of trust in REDD+, why the success of REDD+ depends on trust, and how trust may need to come with its own set of warnings.

Conflict Over Forests and Land in Asia

Reports & Research
August, 2010
South-Eastern Asia

Violent conflict affects three quarters of Asia’s forests and tens of millions of people. In Cambodia, for example, nearly half of the 236 land conflicts recorded in 2009 escalated to violence. Because forest conflict is such a major issue in the region, we need a better understanding of the underlying causes, impacts, and management solutions. This issues paper sheds light on these topics, drawing lessons from eight new case studies.

Hybrid Peace: The Interaction Between Top-Down and Bottom-Up Peace

Journal Articles & Books
July, 2010

This article is interested in the interface between internationally supported peace operations and local approaches to peace that may draw on traditional, indigenous and customary practice. It argues that peace (and security, development and reconstruction) in societies emerging from violent conflict tends to be a hybrid between the external and the local. The article conceptualizes how this hybrid or composite peace is constructed and maintained. It proposes a four-part conceptual model to help visualize the interplay that leads to hybridized forms of peace.

Conflict Over Forest and Land in Asia - Brief

Policy Papers & Briefs
May, 2010
South-Eastern Asia

RECOFTC's regional conflict study examines the drivers and impacts of forest conflict in eight cases in six countries. Findings were presented at the Collective Action, Property Rights and Conflict in Natural Resource Management research workshop in Siem Reap from 28 June - 1July 2010.

This brief summarizes the findings of a full issues paper.

Saving liberal peacebuilding

Journal Articles & Books
March, 2010

Liberal peacebuilding has become the target of considerable criticism. Although much of this criticism is warranted, a number of scholars and commentators have come to the opinion that liberal peacebuilding is either fundamentally destructive, or illegitimate, or both. On close analysis, however, many of these critiques appear to be exaggerated or misdirected.

Uno en el campo tiene esperanza

Reports & Research
February, 2010

Este texto busca recoger los resultados de un estudio, con modesto alcance, realizado en torno a la relación de las mujeres rurales con la tierra, en un contexto de conflicto armado, en el municipio de Buga, Valle, Colombia, en la última década.

Beyond the 'Crisis of Youth'?: Mining, farming, and civil society in post-war Sierra Leone

Journal Articles & Books
January, 2010
Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone's conflict has often been characterized as a 'crisis of youth'. For some, the post-war resurgence of grassroots associational life represents the unleashing of long-suppressed youth egalitarianism, yet this analysis tends to ignore the role of international aid in providing an economic incentive for impoverished Sierra Leoneans to embrace formal association. Case study evidence also shows that politics of 'community' identification and moral economies of patronage continue to affect postwar aid.