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Small forests, big ambitions and a hard reality - Community Forestry in Nepal

Reports & Research
July, 2010

Community forestry in Nepal is intended to reduce poverty by sustainable management of forests. Timber is one of the most high-value forest products, especially in the case of Sal (Shorea robusta) forests in the Terai region of Nepal. Despite having several advantages, including high value forests on fertile land, connection with transportation networks, and being close to regional markets, community forests in the Terai region produce little or no timber from their Sal forests. This research looks at what is affecting the production of Sal timber from community forests.

Teaching Forest Policy Analysis

Training Resources & Tools
June, 2010
South-Eastern Asia

This guide intends to assist forestry lecturers in Southeast Asia in developing their forest policy curricula with a particular focus on policy analysis. As an initial step in this direction, it is hoped that lecturers will use the guide to tailor their courses to the specific requirements of their students whose experiences and lessons will be shared with others in the future; this will produce better grounded and more relevant sets of course materials and handouts in the future.

Landscape dynamics in the Northern Zone of Costa Rica: implications for the conservation of very humid tropical forest

Journal Articles & Books
May, 2010
Costa Rica

The lowlands of the Caribbean slope of northern Costa Rica constitute one of the priority hotspots for biodiversity conservation in Mesoamerica.Nevertheless, the landscape has undergone a process of strong fragmentation that threatens its connectivity between protected areas in Costa Rica and southeastern Nicaragua.

Conflict Over Forest and Land in Asia - Brief

Policy Papers & Briefs
May, 2010
South-Eastern Asia

RECOFTC's regional conflict study examines the drivers and impacts of forest conflict in eight cases in six countries. Findings were presented at the Collective Action, Property Rights and Conflict in Natural Resource Management research workshop in Siem Reap from 28 June - 1July 2010.

This brief summarizes the findings of a full issues paper.

Việt Nam: Tại sao REDD+ cần người dân địa phương

Policy Papers & Briefs
May, 2010

Với việc phần lớn diện tích rừng đã được người dân địa phương quản lý và sự tham gia sớm vào các sáng kiến Sẵn sàng REDD+, Việt Nam trở thành một nước tiên phong trên toàn cầu về hành động giảm thiểu tác động của biến đổi khí hậu dựa vào cộng đồng trong lĩnh vực lâm nghiệp. Tuy nhiên, để làm được điều này cần giải quyết một số vấn đề lớn. Trong bản tin này, chúng tôi thảo luận lý do tại sao sự tham gia tích cực của cộng đông địa phương và người dân bản địa mang tính cốt yếu cho REDD+ cũng như chỉ ra những thách thức cần phải vượt qua.

Ley Nº 1552 - Programa de Ordenamiento Territorial de la provincia de Formosa (POT-For).

May, 2010

La presente Ley establece el procedimiento administrativo para la ejecución del Programa de Ordenamiento Territorial de la provincia de Formosa (POT-For), con el fin de promover el desarrollo económico y social a través de la ocupación del espacio físico en forma armónica con la preservación de todos los recursos naturales, en particular de los bosques nativos, conforme lo establecido en la Ley General del Ambiente Nacional (Nº 25.675), la Ley de Presupuestos Mínimos para la Protección de los Bosques Nativos (Nº 26.331), la Ley de Ecología y Medio Ambiente ( Nº 1060) y el Código Rural (Ley

REDD+ 2010: Moving Forward for People and Forests

Policy Papers & Briefs
April, 2010

This brief summarizes progress made on REDD+ at the December 2009 Copenhagen climate talks, and discusses continuing challenges. The COP15 climate conference in Copenhagen saw continuing negotiation on the shape of a potential REDD+ mechanism, and further clarifications on the draft agreement text. A final and binding agreement on REDD+ was not reached, but substantial progress was made in two crucial areas:

  • REDD+ instead of REDD
  • Environmental and social safeguards became an explicit element of REDD+

Key Messages

Decoding REDD: Effective REDD+ Safeguards - Lessons from Forest Certification

Reports & Research
April, 2010
South-Eastern Asia

Social and environmental safeguards are essential for the success of REDD+. This was a key message from the Copenhagen climate change negotiations. Guidelines for such safeguards are already in place for forest certification schemes. This experience can provide valuable lessons for developing and implementing equitable and sustainable REDD+ in the Asia-Pacific region. To explore these lessons, 19 government, civil society, and forest industry representatives gathered in Sabah, Malaysia from 21 to 23 April 2010.

Agriculture Sector Strategy “A Shared Vision” 2011-2013.

National Policies
December, 2009

This Strategy envisages a sustainable agriculture that is both feasible and capable of achieving food security, competitive in local and foreign markets through optimal use of resources as part of a comprehensive development. To realize this Vision and achieve the overall goal of improving the lives of farmers, herders and anglers in Palestine, the Ministry of Agriculture developed this Shared Vision Strategy for the Agricultural Sector.

REDD-Net COP 15 Briefing

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2009
South-Eastern Asia

Thousands came together in "Hopenhagen" from 7-18 December 2009 for what was the most covered and talked about of any United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNF CCC) Conference of the Parties (COP) to date. Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (REDD-plus)1 was one of few issues on which progress was made. However, implications of the wider negotiations for REDD-plus are not yet clear.