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How the energy transition is being hijacked by corporate interests

Reports & Research
October, 2023

For over a century, energy multinationals have been wrecking the planet and exploiting people in pursuit of profit. Now, power producers and technology manufacturers are marketing themselves as ‘green’ to boost their reputation and benefit from public subsidies, grabbing lands, violating human rights and destroying communities along the way. Our investigation of fifteen ‘green’ multinationals conclusively shows that financial returns, not decarbonisation, is their primary business.

Corruption risks in land-based solutions to climate change

Policy Papers & Briefs
September, 2023

“Nature-based” solutions to climate change require the acquisition of large swaths of land for reforestation, afforestation, conservation and renewable energy sources. However, corruption in the land sector is already widespread and this additional demand for land may aggravate pre-existing corruption risks, as well as causing new ones.

Understanding the role of youth in Indigenous territorial governance

Journal Articles & Books
August, 2023

Indigenous territories cover more than one-fourth of the world’s land surface, overlap with distinct ecological areas, and harbour significant cultural and biological diversity; their stewardship provides critical contributions to livelihood, food security, conservation, and climate action. How these territories are accessed, used, and managed is an important question for owner communities, state governments, development agencies, and researchers alike.

Diagnóstico da desestruturação da pesquisa científica ambiental e do sistema de áreas protegidas no estado de São Paulo, Brasil

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2022
América do Sul

No final de 2020, em meio a grave crise de saúde mundial do coronavírus, o Governo do Estado de São Paulo encaminhou à Assembleia Legislativa projeto de lei que, sob a justificativa de equilibrar as finanças, propunha extinguir vários órgãos públicos. Dentre esses, o Instituto Florestal, instituição de pesquisa com mais de 130 anos, responsável principal pelas pesquisas sobre a conservação e o manejo das unidades de conservação e áreas protegidas, últimos refúgios da biodiversidade paulista.

Guardianas del Territorio

April, 2022
América Latina y el Caribe

La serie microdocumental Guardianas del Territorioes una producción audiovisual de cuatro capítulos que narra las historias de diferentes grupos de mujeres defensoras ambientales que luchan día a día ante el avance extractivista en Argentina, el cambio climático y las violencias de género en el cuerpo-territorio.


¿Quiénes son las Guardianas del Territorio?




Informe sobre la situación de las personas y comunidades defensoras de los derechos humanos ambientales en México, 2021

Reports & Research
February, 2022
América Septentrional

El informe pretende visibilizar la situación de violencia estructural que enfrentan las personas y comunidades defensoras de los derechos humanos ambientales, de la tierra y del territorio en México, a través del monitoreo, registro y análisis de las agresiones perpetradas en su contra en razón de su labor. Con ello se pone a la vista información de las cifras generales de dichas agresiones, las cuales lamentablemente no son alentadoras.

Overview of land degradation neutrality (LDN) in Europe and Central Asia

Reports & Research
January, 2022
Central Asia
Eastern Europe

Land degradation neutrality (LDN) has been defined by the Parties to the Convention as: A state whereby the amount and quality of land resources, necessary to support ecosystem functions and services and enhance food security, remains stable or increases within specified temporal and spatial scales and ecosystems. The present report is an overview of the status of land degradation neutrality (LDN) in the region including a national overview for the 17 programme countries.