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De la sécurisation des droits pastoraux à la planification des aménagements : Comment mieux préserver les systèmes d’élevage ?

Peer-reviewed publication
May, 2023
Afrique occidentale
Burkina Faso
Côte d'Ivoire

Ce numéro de « Regards sur le foncier » reprend une partie des communications présentées lors du séminaire régional sur la gestion foncière locale en Afrique de l’Ouest et à Madagascar, organisé en mars 2023 à Saint-Louis du Sénégal, à l’initiative du Comité technique « Foncier & développement » (CTFD). Ce séminaire a réuni soixante-dix participants, membres d’organisations de la société civile, d’organisations paysannes ou des administrations foncières, et experts-chercheurs, de huit pays d’Afrique (Bénin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinée, Sénégal, Madagascar, Mali, Niger).

Promoting Responsible Governance of Investments in Land

April, 2023

A large share of the world's rural population depends on using land to feed themselves. Commercial agriculture and forestry investments are placing growing pressure on land as a resource. Especially when state capacities to steer and monitor land-based investments are low, this can lead to increasing pressure on natural resources, land-use conflicts and in the worst cases to forced expropriation and displacement. These factors can have a negative impact on livelihood and food security in rural areas, particularly when land rights are insecure.

Les conditions d’intégration d’un accompagnement aux communs dans les politiques publiques : le cas du contexte agrosylvopastoral du Sahel (vallée du fleuve Sénégal)

Reports & Research
April, 2023
Sahara occidental
Afrique occidentale

Les perturbations climatiques, l’évolution démographique et les sécheresses des dernières décennies, ont contribué à une rupture d’équilibre entre les systèmes de production pastorale et agricole, au détriment des pasteurs. À côté de ce contexte écosystémique, d’autres facteurs viennent aggraver la situation pastorale dans le Sahel, en particulier le rétrécissement de l’espace pastoral, grignoté par l’expansion des terres agricoles.

Safeguards for Carbon Markets – Prioritizing Local Communities’ Tenure Rights

Conference Papers & Reports
April, 2023

While emissions trading already began in the late 1980s and early 1990s, carbon markets can officially be traced back to the Kyoto Protocol of 1997. The Kyoto Protocol introduced market-based mechanisms allowing countries to trade emission allowances and invest in emission reduction projects overseas. On this basis, the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) was launched in 2005, pioneering the introduction of large-scale, regulated carbon trading systems.

Improved Land Reforms To The Benefit Of Women´S Access To Land To Foster And Support Social Norm Change, A Case Study Of Western Area Rural District And Bombali District In Sierra Leone

December, 2022
Sierra Leone

It is critical to have land policies that facilitate access to and effective control of land and other natural resources to achieve inclusive growth and eradicate poverty. It is well known that discrimination in land rights occurs globally, both in formal and customary settings. The reason for this is that land rights are either strong or weak and are held by a variety of groups of people.

Unlocking Africa’S Land Potential And Addressing Its Problems Through Sustainable Land Management

December, 2022

Context and backgroundUnsustainable land management practices result in land degradation that threatens the environment and stifles livelihoods. Africa remains exposed to threats such as natural resource degradation and poverty due to various reasons that include: changing demographics, urbanization, mining, fragile natural resources and ecosystems, increased soil erosion and land degradation, low yields and high post-harvest yield losses.

Legal and institutional analysis of water resource management and development in Cambodia

December, 2022

Cambodia has abundant water resources due to its geographies and the existence of 39 river basin systems. These rich natural resources are essential assets for the country. However, Cambodia has experienced toomuch water in the wet season and too little water in the dry season. Floods and droughts have undermined the development of Cambodia. Thus, improved water management is key to the development of Cambodia in the long run.

Governance issues for sustainable management of village irrigation in the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka

December, 2022
Sri Lanka

Village irrigation systems (ViSs) are vital in rural livelihood, food, and water security. VISs include small (minor) tanks and diversions (anicuts). The hydrologically linked tanks with natural drainage patterns form cascades, and beyond food and water security, they play a significant role in mitigating flood and drought impacts on communities in river basins. With anthropogenic changes, many cascades are in depilated states now.

Agricultural Livelihood Types and Type-Specific Drivers of Crop Production Diversification: Evidence from Aral Sea Basin Region

December, 2022

Understanding the factors driving the farmers’ decisions to diversify their crop production is important for management strategies and policies promoting climate-smart agricultural development. Options for diversification and its associated drivers might be shaped by livelihood context, and it remains as a general gap in knowledge. This study aimed to reveal the driving factors behind households’ decisions to diversify their crops in different livelihood contexts.