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What is climate change adaptation?

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2020

Humans have been adapting to their environments throughout history by developing practices, cultures and livelihoods suited to local conditions – from the Mediterranean siesta to the Vietnamese practice of building homes on stilts to protect against monsoonal rains. However, climate change raises the possibility that existing societies will experience climatic shifts (in temperature, storm frequency, flooding and other factors) that previous experience has not prepared them for.

Crop development with data-driven approach towards sustainable agriculture: Lifting the achievements and opportunities of collaborative research between CIAT and Japan

December, 2020

International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) has a long history of collaboration with Japanese institutions to develop improved crop varieties and adopt agricultural technologies with pioneering approaches for farmers’ benefit. Since 1972, Japan has enjoyed a long history of successful cooperation with the CGIAR (formerly the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research) after becoming its 22nd Member to meet global challenges such as climate change affecting agriculture

Policies, multi-stakeholder approaches and home-grown school feeding programs for improving quality, equity and sustainability of school meals in Northern Tanzania

December, 2020

Malnutrition among children of school-going age is a challenge of serious concern in developing countries especially Sub-Saharan Africa. Many programs focus on mothers and under-5-year-old children, leaving the school going age unattended. It has been shown that school meals can reduce school absenteeism, improve concentration in class and reduce early dropouts. In Tanzania, successful home-grown school feeding programs are localized in few areas but have not been scaled-out.

Silvo-pastoral systems and public policies in Latin America: A comparative analysis

December, 2020

Latin America and the Caribbean play an essential role in the global cattle sector since they contribute more than 25% of the global beef and 10% of the global milk production. The sector generates both internal and external benefits as it guarantees the food security of the countries and energizes their economies. Cattle production in the region not only goes back a long way but also appears to be anticipating a promising future.

How does climate exacerbate root causes of conflict in Zimbabwe? An impact pathway analysis

December, 2020

This factsheet gives answers on how climate exacerbates root causes of conflict in Zimbabwe, using an impact pathway analysis. Two main impact pathways are identified: 1) Food insecurity and competition over access and use of natural resources; 2) Water scarcity and conflict in Bulawayo and Matabeleland North.

Scalar politics, power struggles and institutional emergence in Daw Lar Lake, Myanmar

December, 2020

This paper looks at scalar politics, power struggles, and institutional emergence in Daw Lar Lake in Karen state, Myanmar. It brings to light tensions between centralized and decentralized approaches in the country’s natural resource governance, and how these are manifested in the current legal stalemate with regard to the formal management status of the lake.

An evaluation of multi-stakeholder platforms for scaling land restoration practices in Kilolo and Lushoto districts, Tanzania

December, 2020

This report investigates the functioning and outcomes of the multi-stakeholder platforms established in Tanzania. The study focused on two platforms in Kilolo and Lushoto districts and analyzed their activities to support scaling agricultural innovations. The findings show that the platforms are successful in network building and knowledge dissemination. However, there is a low participation of women and young people.

Powerful actors and their networks in land use contestation for oil palm and industrial tree plantations in Riau

December, 2020

Indonesia has experienced one of the world's fastest plantation expansions. Plantation growth is indeed an economic solution to meet the market's needs, but the accompanying environmental damage and social conflict are at odds with sustainability goals. Various actors with interests in land compete with the power they have. The most powerful actors have controlled land use based on their decisions. Accordingly, this paper presents empirical evidence to understand the important role of powerful actors in land-use contestation in oil palm and industrial plantation forests.

COVID-19, Indigenous peoples, local communities and natural resource governance

December, 2020
United Kingdom

We report on how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting Indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs), especially those who govern, manage and conserve their lands and waters. We explore the themes of access and use of natural resources, solidarity, decision-making, the role of governments and IPLCs in managing COVID-19, and the uptake of traditional medicine. These themes are explored through a global online survey in English, Spanish and French.

Mineral Resource Governance in the 21st Century: Gearing extractive industries towards sustainable

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2020

Resources, including minerals and metals, underpin the world’s economies for almost all sectors, providing crucial raw materials for their industrial processes. Despite efforts to decouple economies from resource use towards a circular economy, demand for extractive resources will continue to grow on the back of emerging economies. The report maps existing international governance frameworks and initiatives which have overlapping subsets that focus on delivering the 2030 Global Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Évaluation des ressources forestières mondiales 2020. Rapport République Centrafricaine

Reports & Research
November, 2020
Central African Republic

A l’instar des pays producteurs de bois tropicaux dans le Bassin du Congo, membres de la Commission des Forêts d’Afrique Centrale (COMIFAC), la République Centrafricaine (RCA), située au cœur de l'Afrique entre 02°10' et 11°00' de latitude Nord, 14°40' et 27°45' de longitude Est, regorge d’énormes richesses en ressources naturelles forestières.