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Weak Land Governance, Fraud and Corruption: Fertile Ground for Land Grabbing

Reports & Research
November, 2021

Fraud and corruption are the main enabling mechanisms for land abuses in Brazil, guaranteeing impunity for land grabbers and other public and private agents involved in these schemes. This is what is evidenced in the research report, “Weak land governance, fraud and corruption: fertile ground for land grabbing,” which systematizes for the first time the relationship between these issues. Thereby, the study seeks to understand precisely why and how corruption and fraud associated with land grabbing occur.  


Reports & Research
November, 2021

O termo “grilagem” remete à prática antiga de forjar um título de propriedade e colocá-lo em uma gaveta com grilos para amarelar o documento, conferindo a aparência de um documento legitimo. As táticas se modernizaram, persistindo diversas práticas, conhecidas como grilagem, que buscam fraudar títulos e invadir terras com o objetivo de apropriar- -se indevidamente de áreas tanto públicas quanto particulares, muitas vezes com o auxílio de agentes corruptos, sejam eles da esfera pública ou privada.

Farmers' protests in India and agricultural reforms

Reports & Research
November, 2021

Abstracted from executive summary:

The Indian Central Government introduced three agricultural reform bills in June 2020. These Bills, known collectively as the farm laws, were passed by the Indian Parliament at the end of September. Opposition figures and protesting farmers complained there was little consultation over the legislation. On 19 November 2021, after nearly a year of mass protests against the laws, the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, made a surprise announcement that his Government would repeal the farm laws.

Good Practice

Institutional & promotional materials
November, 2021
Latin America and the Caribbean
South America

The Global Programme 'Responsible Land Policy' (GPRLP) is part of the Special Initiative 'One World, No Hunger' of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), which aims to reduce extreme poverty and hunger.



Manuals & Guidelines
November, 2021

These messages were developed based on the field experience in fragile and crisis affected contexts of UN-Habitat and the partners of the Global Land Tool Network and the HLP Area of Responsibility of the Global Protection Cluster. They are a quick reference on how to empower women and protect their housing, land and property rights in fragile and crisis affected contexts and why this is an essential element to sustain peace and stability.

Conference on Land Policy in Africa opens with calls for pro-poor land policies;equal access;and ownership

October, 2021

Writers have guest-edited an African Studies Review forum on Understanding Land Deals in Limbo in Africa which examines the contentious politics of incomplete land grabs in Senegal;Tanzania and Zambia. These studies show that even when land deals are cancelled;stalled;downsized;transferred to new owners;or stay dormant and speculative for many years;they can still produce far-reaching consequences that often go unnoticed. The complex interplay of land governance;local political dynamics and capital’s own contradictions can push land deals in different and unexpected directions.

A Broken Canopy: Preventing Deforestation and Conflict in Colombia

Reports & Research
October, 2021

In the five years following its historic 2016 peace accord, Colombia has seen a surge of forest razing and land clearance amid continuing unrest in the countryside. The rate of tree loss, which greatly lowers the country’s chances of meeting its zerodeforestation goal by 2030, is tied to conflict and violence. These ties are complex. Deforestation began to rise soon after the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), which had operated mostly from rural areas, declared a ceasefire in December 2014. It then gathered steam after the 2016 accord was signed.

PROTEGER NUESTRA CASA COMÚN: Defensoras y defensores de la tierra y del medioambiente en Latinoamérica

Reports & Research
September, 2021
América Latina y el Caribe

La publicación, denominada «Proteger nuestra casa común: Defensoras y defensores de la tierra y del medioambiente en Latinoamérica»,  tiene como base una investigación realizada entre el 2019 y el 2021 acerca de las tendencias actuales de abusos de derechos humanos y medioambientales a los que se enfrentan los defensores y las defensoras de derechos humanos (DDH) en seis países de Latinoamérica: Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras y Perú.

PROTEGER NUESTRA CASA COMÚN: Defensoras y defensores de la tierra y del medioambiente en Latinoamérica

Reports & Research
September, 2021
América Latina y el Caribe

La publicación, denominada «Proteger nuestra casa común: Defensoras y defensores de la tierra y del medioambiente en Latinoamérica»,  tiene como base una investigación realizada entre el 2019 y el 2021 acerca de las tendencias actuales de abusos de derechos humanos y medioambientales a los que se enfrentan los defensores y las defensoras de derechos humanos (DDH) en seis países de Latinoamérica: Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras y Perú.

PROTEGER NUESTRA CASA COMÚN: Defensoras y defensores de la tierra y del medioambiente en Latinoamérica

Reports & Research
September, 2021
América Latina y el Caribe

La publicación, denominada «Proteger nuestra casa común: Defensoras y defensores de la tierra y del medioambiente en Latinoamérica»,  tiene como base una investigación realizada entre el 2019 y el 2021 acerca de las tendencias actuales de abusos de derechos humanos y medioambientales a los que se enfrentan los defensores y las defensoras de derechos humanos (DDH) en seis países de Latinoamérica: Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras y Perú.

The true price of palm oil

Reports & Research
September, 2021
Papua New Guinea

The climate crisis is no longer projection, but reality. Forests play a key role in regulating the global climate and are critical to preventing runaway global heating. They are also a treasure trove of biological diversity, and home to many indigenous peoples and forest communities. Yet forests continue to be burned and destroyed at an alarming rate. The primary driver of deforestation is agribusiness, with palm oil a chief culprit.

Heritage and territorial disputes in the Armenia–Azerbaijan conflict: a comparative analysis of the carpet museums of Baku and Shusha

Journal Articles & Books
September, 2021

On 27 September 2020, Azerbaijan went to war with Armenia on a scale not seen since the ceasefire of 1994. The conflict ended in another cease- fire on 10 November 2020, however, in addition to the theatre of war, the conflict has been prosecuted and continues to be fought post-ceasefire, through claims to cultural heritage which are employed in international organisations to substantiate the legitimacy of territorial claims.