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The Ordinance provides for the institution of Village Councils for the purpose of town development and endorses them with the power to order surveys and dispose of the land, to redistribute it between adjacent villages and to issue land taxes or levyand to provide for all related matters, legal…


The Ordinance provides for planning projects in order to improve the use of lands, their redistribution, the erection of infrastructures and further advance the development of urban areas.
Implemented by: Order declaring Ambalanthota Girihandu Raja Maha Vihara as Sacred Area. (2010-03-31)…


The Law sets the maximum size ceilings of agricultural land which may belong to an individual, a family or an agricultural cooperative. Only in certain specific situations (e.g. inheritance) the amount of land may be in excess of the allowable size. The surplus of land shall be expropriated and…


The Law provides for the survey and the statistics related to land in order to institute a Land Register, to set land levy on the basis of the surveys and to ascertain ownership's rights. Special forms shall be distributed to landowners who, in turn, must fill them out and the Tax Office…


The Law provides for water rights and water charges appliable to the owners of parcels of land within the area of the Kajakai and Arghandab dams. Both rights and water purchase are estimated on the acreage.


The Law provides for the institution of Municipalities, including villages and lands, for the appointement of a Municipal Council and for the functions and tasks involved, ranging from a cadastral register to the protection of agricultural production, sanitization, water supply and so on.


The Rule provides for the issuance of a reclamation fee which must be paid by the owner of land irrigated by a system of intertwined canals.
Implements: Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority Act, 1958 (No. XXXI of 1958). (1994)


Some Sub-rules are repealed thereby (Nos. 3,4,6,7) and Sub-rule 5 amended as per the filing of a complaint under Sub-rule 2.
Amends: Land (Survey and Measurement) Rules, 1975. (1979-11-21)


Act No. 58 of 1979 is amended by repealing Paragraph c of Sub-section 3 of Section 21 and by repealing and substituting Sub-section 1 of Section 29 of the already amended version of this Section as per the Agrarian Services (Amendment) Act, No. 9 of 1990.
Amends: Agrarian Services Act 1979…


This Ordinance regulates the mapping of the boundaries of land owned privately or by the State and the application of provisions related therefore.


The newly instituted Survey and Demarcation Division shall conduct the survey and definiton of boundaries of the so called reserved Forests of Bhutan and shall widely spread information about the forest areas included under this provision, in order to ascertain eventual claims of rights on…


The Law provides for various matters relating to construction of dams and related water reservoirs, such as the use of waters, matters relative to ownership of land in proximity of the dams, etc. Claims for lands near to the dams shall be determined in accordance with articles 1 to 5.Procedures…