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This Law amends articles 30-35 of law 9693 of 2007. The amendments deal with penalties issued for law infringements and their appeal process. The inspection is carried out by the Forestry Police and its regional and local units.
Amends: Law No. 9693 on the Pasture Fund. (2007-03-19)


This Law provides for all necessary standards, rules, requirements and other administrative and technical provisions governing the quality inspection and classification, control and monitoring duties, and transport/storage standards for the correct management of mineral fertilizers on the…


This Law establishes legal and organizational grounds for activities in the sphere of land survey and is aimed at regulation of relations between state bodies, local government, legal and natural persons with a view of ensuring stable development of land tenure. Land survey shall ensure: (a)…


The scope of this Law shall be to regulate relations in the sphere of topographic, geodetic and cartographic activity, including distant zoning of the Earth, land-use planning, cartographic monitoring and land survey, with a view of provision of the state and the citizens with the outcome of…


This Law establishes legal, economic and organizational grounds for the functioning of state land cadastre. State land cadastre shall be unified state geoinformation system of data related to land located within state boundaries of the Ukraine, specifying purposeful use thereof, use restrictions…


This Regulation provides for the complete text of the the Action Programme for the protection of waters against the pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources on the territory of the Croatian Republic, including all technical and other specific data.Action Programme includes: the…


This Regulation prescribes the detailed content of the Action Programme for the protection of waters against the pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources on the territory of the Croatian Republic.The action plan contains all necessary rules and procedures also part of the…


La presente Ley tiene por objeto establecer las directrices de ordenación del territorio catalán y de las acciones administrativas con incidencia territorial en Cataluña, a fin de corregir los desequilibrios que se producen y de alcanzar un mayor bienestar de la población.
Enmendado por:…


This Regulation provides for detailed info related to the special purpose commission governing over the Plan for the National Park "Sutjeska" and its spatial development/management plan.The commission council is in charge of: following the development of the Spatial plan of special…

International Conventions or Treaties

The purpose of the present Agreement is to: a) exchange GEOINT (Geospatial Intelligence Information) Information for the use of both Parties for defence purposes; b) establish and implement cooperative production programmes, other cooperative efforts and co-production programmes; c) establish…


By virtue of this Decision, the European Commission grants to Ireland a derogation to the second subparagraph of paragraph 2 of Annex III to Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources. The derogation has the purpose of…


The present Regulation implements the Land Consolidation Act in its version of 16 March 1976 (BGBl. I p. 546) and the Agricultural Adaption Act in its version of 3 July 1991 (BGBl. I p. 1418). In particular, the Regulations lays down provisions relating to cooperation of the Rural Development…