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Displaying 1681 - 1692 of 1761

This Act, consisting of 54 sections divided into six Parts and completed by one Schedule, aims at finding a compromise between the cultural traditions of the Aboriginal and the need for development of the Northern Territory. The Act establishes the procedure for the registration and protection…


The purpose of this Act, consisting of 138 sections divided into three Parts and completed by five Schedules, is to establish and preserve in perpetuity a legal identity and protected status for Te Urewera for its intrinsic worth, its distinctive natural and cultural values, the integrity of…


This Act, consisting of 68 sections divided into eight Parts, provides for the protection, recognition and preservation of Aboriginal cultural heritage in Western Australia.The Act provides for the establishment of the Aboriginal Cultural Material Committee and defines its internal organization…


The Regulation makes provision regarding the following: payments on land in irrigation areas or special land districts, interests on arrears, addition of land to perpetual leases, transfer of yearly leases, conditions for yearly leases, appeals, restrictions on the exercise of mortgagee's…


This Regulation implements the Community Land Management Act 1989 by providing specifications on the election of the executive committee (Part 2), on record keeping (Part 3) and on mediation procedures (Part 4).
Implements: Community Land Management Act 1989. (2017-11-23)
Repealed by…


This By-law provides for the implementation of the Crown Lands Act 1989 by providing specifications on Trust Boards (Part 2, div. 1) and other administrative matters, on the access to and use of reserves (Part 3) and on various matters related to the management of reserves (Part 4). The attached…


This Act provides for the public control on land valuers and their practice and for this purpose establishes the Valuers Board and the Valuers Association of Solomon Islands. The Board shall, among other things, formulate, monitor and review policies relating to the practice of land valuation,…


This Act amends the Land Leases Act in the Schedule by deleting "6%" (wherever occurring) and substituting "5%". The Schedule prescribes registration fees for purposes of the Act.
Amends: Land Leases Act (Cap. 163). (1988)


The purpose of this Act, consisting of 5 Parts and one Schedule, is to control wild animals generally, and eradicate wild animals locally where necessary and practicable in order to ensure concerted action against the damaging effects of wild animals on vegetation, soils, waters, and wildlife,…


This Act provides for how land is to be valued for various other Acts and for other purposes as may be required from time to time. There shall be a valuer-general for Norfolk Island who shall be appointed by the Minister. The Act sets out valuation methodologies. For deciding the value of land,…


The objects of the Act are (a) to simplify the title to land; (b) to facilitate dealings with land; (c) to secure indefeasibility of title to registered proprietors except in certain cases specified in this Act; (d) to facilitate access to information about administrative interests and other…


The objects of this Act are: (a) to provide a form of tenure of Crown land that facilitates the sustainable use of land for pastoral purposes and the economic viability of the pastoral industry; (b) to provide for (i) the monitoring of pastoral land so as to detect and assess any change in its…