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Policy Papers & Briefs
September 2009

The production of biofuels has been supported by many conservationists and environmentalists on the grounds that it reduces greenhouse gas emissions and is a renewable energy substitute for non-renewable fossil fuels, mainly oil. More recently the domestic production of biofuels (and the…

Policy Papers & Briefs
August 2009


Agribusiness as used in this paper refers to very big corporations that produce, process, trade, and market agricultural food products and agricultural inputs. Examples are corporations that produce inputs, such as seeds and fertilizers, and those that…

Reports & Research
August 2009

There is a need to distinguish between small-scale, subsistence family-based farming, small to medium scale businesses in the agriculture sector that is the predominant mode in the global south on one hand and; the operations of agribusiness (whether a large local corporation or transnational…

Conference Papers & Reports
August 2009

Forests form the dominant natural ecosystem in Malaysia. About 55% of Malaysianland area is forested and endows a rich diversity of flora and fauna. Peat swampforests constitute a significant component of forest and account for about 75% of thecountry’s total wetlands. Many peat swamp forests…

Reports & Research
August 2009

“The Strategic Analysis of India’s National River Linking Project”: In 2005, the
International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and the Challenge Program on Water
and Food (CPWF) started a three-year research study on “Strategic Analysis of India’s River Linking Project”. The…

Policy Papers & Briefs
July 2009

This issue paper is about what is known as the “global financial crisis,” which is said to have affected the economies in Europe and North America and caused massive loss of jobs and bankruptcy in these countries. For some of us here in the developing world, the global financial crisis may seem…

Reports & Research
July 2009

The CPWF-supported project ‘Models for implementing multiple-use water supply
systems for enhanced land and water productivity, rural livelihoods and gender equity’
(‘CPWF-MUS’) innovated, tested, and documented homestead-scale and communityscale
models for Multiple Use water…

Journal Articles & Books
June 2009

The Himalayan region is not only tectonically active and ecologically fragile but is it also one of the most economically underdeveloped and most densely populated mountain ecosystems on the planet. These natural as well as human characteristics render the Himalayan region highly vulnerable to…

Institutional & promotional materials
June 2009

Décadas de escasa inversión pública en agricultura han debilitado la capacidad de los agricultores para hacer frente a la volatilidad de los precios, a los cambios climáticos y económicos, o para poder salir por sí mismos de la pobreza. Sin embargo, los donantes y los gobiernos deben considerar…

Peer-reviewed publication
May 2009

Monetary instruments to regulate parking are often used in central areas of cities to discourage long term parking of vehicles. The availability of parking facilities, and its cost, in fact represents an important element in the decision to operate private vehicles in urban areas. The…

Reports & Research
May 2009

“Improved fisheries productivity and management in tropical reservoirs”
The objective of the project was to contribute to the current research on reservoirs enhancement
fisheries in tropical countries through the implementation of a series of action-research activities

Institutional & promotional materials
April 2009

La agricultura familiar –unidad productiva basada en profundos vínculos que unen a una tierra y a un núcleo familiar concretos-, representa un sector de gran valor simbólico y estratégico por sus funciones económicas, sociales, culturales, medioambientales, territoriales y de seguridad…