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Displaying 2341 - 2352 of 2794

This Act provides for matters relating to interests, i.e. perpetuities and accumulations in (immovable) property. It, among other things: provides for the vesting of the interests, duration, interests regarding (leases of) land, restrictions on accumulations in general, and restriction on…


These Rules implement provisions of the Law of Succession Act and provide for matters of succession to and protection and administration of property of a deceased person. The Rules concerns, among other things: probate registries, application for grant of representation; caveats and objections…


This Notice requires a surveyor duly licensed as a surveyor under or by virtue of the provision of the Survey Act to always maintain the high standard of conduct appropriate to his or her professional status, and not conduct himself or herself in a manner that would, in the opinion of the Land…


These Regulations implement provisions of the Survey Act with respect to the Land Surveyors Board, the Standing Committee on Geographical Names, the examination and issue of licences, land survey operations, government land surveys and resolution of disputes. The Regulations also provide for the…


These Regulations specify, in the First Schedule, fees payable, prior to the registration of any dealing affecting a holding, by every landowner whose name appears in an adjudication register in respect of any adjudication area or adjudication section. They also specify, in the Second Schedule,…


These Regulations amend the Land (Duties and Taxes) Act in the Second Schedule in relation to the date of transfer of land by a company forming part of a group of companies or a lessee who is the holder of a new lease pursuant to section 6(1E) of the State Lands Act or section 10(3B) of the Pas…


This Act provides for the recovery of moveable and immoveable assets acquired as a result of an unlawful activity and establishes an Enforcement Authority, an Investigative Agency for this purpose. It also establishes a Recovered Assets Fund. Property which is attributable to property which is…


Tout projet de construction devant faire l'objet d'un permis de construire ordinaire doit être élaboré par un bureau d'architecture ou d'études agrée qui dispose des autorisations nécessaires à l'exercice de cette activité.


Tous travaux de construction, de rénovation et autres types de travaux entrepris sans Permis de Construire et partiellement non-conformes aux cahiers des charges en vigueur (reculs non respectés) sont soumis au paiement d'une pénalité correspondant à 10% du montant du coût total de la…


Il est fait concession définitive l'ensemble des terrains accordés en concession provisoire et dont la mise en valeur a été réalisée.


Sont déchus de leurs droits, tous les concessionnaires ayant une parcelle de terrain immatriculées au Livre Foncier de la République et n'ayant pas été mise en valeur jusqu'à aujourd'hui par ces derniers.


These Regulations amend the Land (Duties and Taxes) Act in the Eight Schedule in relation to exemption from payment of duty or tax under Part II, Part III and Part VIA of the Act.
Amends: Land (Duties and Taxes) Act 1984. (2007-08-22)