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Displaying 2401 - 2412 of 2794

These Regulations, made by the Minister under Section 20 of the Land Surveyors Act, stipulate that a person, on whose behalf a survey of State Land is carried out by a Government Surveyor, shall pay to Government the appropriate fee specified in the Schedule. The Regulations shall not apply to…


This Act imposes a tax upon the transfer of property, i.e. (a) any land in the Republic; (b) any share issued by a company incorporated in the Republic. Where the property to be valued is land, the realised value shall be the price at which it could, at the time of its transfer, reasonably have…


This Act makes provision for the resolution of disputes by arbitration. The authority of an arbitrator or umpire appointed by or by virtue of an arbitration agreement shall, unless a contrary intention is expressed in the agreement, be irrevocable except by leave of the Court. “Arbitration…


These Regulations, for purposes of section 4 of the Africans on Private Estates Act, prescribe forms for: the register of resident Africans; the document certifying registration; and the register of Africans entering an estate under special agreements. The Regulations also specify particulars…


This General Notice, made under section 3 of the Deeds Registration Act, appoints the Commissioner for Lands as Deeds Registrar.
Implements: Deeds Registration Act (Cap. 58:02). (2002)


These Rules, made under section 32 of the Deeds Registration Act, specify requirements for the presentation of documents for registration. The Deeds Registrar may refuse to register any document which does not comply with these requirements.
Implements: Deeds Registration Act (Cap. 58:02…


This General Notice, made under section 6 of the Deeds Registration Act, exempts all leases, tenancy agreements or licences for the occupation of land granted by the Malawi Housing Corporation or the Capital City Development Corporation where the term granted does not exceed 364 days, from the…


This General Notice, made under section 6 of the Deeds Registration Act, exempts all Licences for the occupation of land issued by the Minister under the powers conferred upon him or her by section 5 of the Land Act in connection with Agricultural Settlement or Re-Settlement in any part of…


This Order, made under section 31 of the Land Act, provides that, on the land described in the Schedule to this Order, no person shall without the prior consent of the Minister or his or her authorized representative: (a) make any new garden (b) plant any tree or shrub; (c) erect any building of…


The Act makes provision for the adjudication and registration of rights and interests in land in areas declared to be adjudication area by the Minister. Land shall be adjudicated by an Adjudication Officer appointed by the Minister. The Minister shall also appoint Demarcation Officers, Recording…


The Act requires landowners to register Africans residing on their estate for the purpose of growing any economic crop for sale or performing any agricultural work. “African” means any person who is a member of an African community indigenous to Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia or Mozambique. This Act…


The Act makes provision for the registration of title in land and related matters. The Act also defines characteristics of various rights in land, sets out the effects of registration if title in land and provides for the acquisition of land by prescription.As for the administration of land…