The session used storytelling to share experiences from four S4HL country coalitions—Bangladesh, Colombia, Ethiopia, and Uganda—in their efforts to shift norms and attitudes around women’s land rights. Local women and men presented their work in movement building, advocacy, education, and…
The Regional Operational Workshop in Latin America and the Caribbean highlighted the significance of community participation in sustainable land governance, with a particular focus on the involvement of indigenous peoples. The final thematic session showcased diverse experiences aimed at…
This article aims to reconstruct the progression of land grabbing in Colombia by identifying the sequence of mechanisms and strategies employed to dispossess and seize land through specific case studies. The analysis centres around 12 estates/farms with a history of violence, dispossession, and…
Cadmium (Cd) accumulation in Colombian cacao is a growing concern due to its potential health impacts and EU regulations on Cd content in chocolate products. Furthermore, cacao plays a significant role as an agricultural commodity and a tool for illegal crop replacement, yet our regional…
L’une des principales exigences de l’Accord de Paris en matière de climat est que les pays rendent compte de leurs émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) et des mesures prises pour réduire ces dernières. En améliorant la précision de leurs inventaires d’émissions, les pays peuvent prendre des…
This report is a contribution of the knowledge management component of the LAND-at-scale programme (LAS) which is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and implemented by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland - RVO). LAND-at-scale is a seven-…
Solano is a municipality located in the department of Caquetá within the deforestation arc of the Colombian Amazon, the second largest municipality in area of the country. Solano can only be reached by river, although there are already several trails that allow to reach the municipal’s capital…
Cada fin de año, el conteo de victimizaciones a defensoras y defensores de derechos humanos en Colombia da cuenta de cifras en aumento y del riesgo que representa esta labor en el país. Este aumento ha sido notorio tras la firma del Acuerdo de Paz
con las FARC-EP. Así lo señaló la…
This article describes the process of legal contention between civil society, political parties, and state institutions for the baldíos lands in the Colombian Altillanura region in the last two decades, a region considered the country’s “last agricultural frontier.” The article focuses on the…
In the frame of AgriLAC resiliente, a framework to integrate climate change mitigation priorities (through low emission food systems) and development priorities will be developed. To inform the development of this framework, a non-systematic literature review has been carried out in order to…
Food is a vital component of Colombia's economy. The impact of climate change on agriculture and food security in the country is severe. The effects have resulted in decreased production and in the productivity of agricultural soil. Desertification processes are accelerating and…