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Policy Papers & Briefs
November 2011

Unprecedented pressures on land have been created as new areas are cultivated, taken over by expanding urban centres or are abandoned due to degradation, climate change and conflict. These developments have strained the rules, processes and institutions that determine which land resources are…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2011

The present document is an update and presentation of the natural, economic and social resources for sustainable development and management of the fishery and aquaculture sector in Armenia. It aims to call attention to, and provide evidence of, the fact that fisheries and aquaculture have…

Reports & Research
November 2011

Land Tenure Working Paper 19. The present paper is written as part of the overall Voluntary Guidelines consultation and development process and is a contribution to the subsequent preparation of the Gender Technical Guide. It contextualises and defines gender for the Voluntary Guidelines,…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2011

Second issue of the Journal, which is now published in both hardcopy and in electronic formats and provides an open, impartial and practice-oriented global forum for promoting the latest knowledge in land tenure. This issue features five continents and subcontinents exploring common challenges…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2011


Reports & Research
November 2011

Documento de trabajo sobre la tenencia de la tierra 19. Este documento se enmarca dentro de la consulta global de las Directrices Voluntarias y su proceso de desarrollo y es una aportación para la preparación posterior de la Guía Técnica de Género. En él se contextualiza y se define el concepto…

Reports & Research
November 2011

Настоящая серия отчетов «Основные аспекты исследования четырех секторов отрасли жи- вотноводства в Казахстане» подготовлена Инвестиционным центром ФАО в сотрудничест- ве с Аналитическим центром экономической политики в агропромышленном комплексе (АЦЭП АПК) при АО «КазАгроИнновация» Министерства…

Policy Papers & Briefs
July 2011

Great share of rented land in total utilised area as well as a significant variability of land rent and market prices of land causes a need of research that would assess which factors influence the land rent as well as the price of land and how significant such factor are in each state. The…

Policy Papers & Briefs
July 2011

The Lusatian lignite-mining district (Eastern Germany) is characterized by a high share of marginal post-mining areas. At these sites, crop yield is generally low, and hence, conventional land use systems often fail in terms of reliable and efficient crop production. In this paper the attempt is…

Journal Articles & Books
May 2011

Lancé récemment, le processus de renégociation de la Convention relative à l’aide alimentaire (CAA) est passé pratiquement inaperçu du grand public. Élaborée il y a plus de 40 ans entre 23 pays donateurs, la Convention avait pour objectif d’utiliser les surplus céréaliers pour lutter contre la…

Peer-reviewed publication
May 2011

Within the framework of the project „Flood Prevention and Nature Conservation in the Weisseritz area“ („HochNatur“),
a method including landscape metrics was developed and applied to assess and to compare different land
use scenarios with regard to flood prevention and nature…