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Journal Articles & Books
March 2019

A robust regulatory framework for the corporate governance of water user's organizations is a fundamental ingredient of irrigation management transfer policies. The present publication offers a comparative analysis of the contemporary legislation of a wide variety of countries, providing…

Journal Articles & Books
March 2019

This publication contains the papers presented at the Expert Consultation on Issues in Water Law Reform, convened by FAO in Pretoria, Republic of South Africa, 3 to 5 June 1997. The Expert Consultation was the first activity under, and served as a launch for, the FAO-funded and -executed project…

Journal Articles & Books
March 2019

Given its wide scope on the work on forests, FAO requests information from its member countries in many different ways, using various reporting formats and questionnaires. The collected information is used to produce several outputs such as databases, overviews, reports, case-studies and other…

Journal Articles & Books
February 2019

L’objectif du présent rapport est d’offrir un cadre conceptuel permettant de faire face aux problèmes de sécurité alimentaire dans une situation de pénurie d’eau pour l’agriculture. Il a été préparé par une équipe de spécialistes de la FAO et de consultants dans le cadre du projet «…

Journal Articles & Books
February 2019

Water - Source of food security. World Food Day: 16 October 2002.Water and food security are intimately connected. Many of the over 800 million people in the world who still go hungry live in water-scarce regions. When FAO launched its Special Programme for Food Security in 1994, it was well…

Journal Articles & Books
February 2019

This edition of Unasylva comes in the wake of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio+20,which, among other things, produced a document called The Future We Want. In it, world leaders renewed their commitment to sustainable development and stated that “the wide range of…

Reports & Research
January 2019

Crowd sourced information submitted anonymously from the students of the class of 2017-2020 of the European Law School Programme from Maastricht University Faculty of Law.

Journal Articles & Books
January 2019

Сельское хозяйство Восточной Европы и Центральной Азии является разнообразным по характеру и обладает огромным потенциалом для развития экономики стран региона посредством повышения урожайности и общей продуктивности продовольственных, кормовых и технических культур. В этом плане, почвозащитное…

Peer-reviewed publication
January 2019

In the context of the rapid development of renewable energy in Germany in the last decade, and increased concerns regarding its potential impacts on farmland prices, this paper investigates the impact of wind energy and biogas production on agricultural land purchasing prices. To quantify the…

Peer-reviewed publication
December 2018

Compared to rural agriculture, urban agriculture (UA) has some distinct features (e.g., the limited land access, alternative growing media, unique legal environments or the non-production-related missions) that encourage the development of new practices, i.e., “novelties” or “innovations”. This…

Institutional & promotional materials
December 2018

This new Guide describes the application of spatial technology to improve disaster risk management (DRM) within the aquaculture sector. DRM requires interrelated activities to ensure prevention, preparedness (including early warning), response and recovery for a wide range of natural,…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2018

The Mediterranean region has more than 25 million hectares of Mediterranean forests and about 50 million hectares of other Mediterranean wooded lands. They make crucial contributions to rural development, poverty alleviation, food security, as well as, the agricultural, water, tourism, and…