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The present Law lays down comprehensive provisions relating to the division and development of land and in particular of agricultural land. The text deals with the following issues: land tenure, subdivision of land, competent authorities, tasks of administrative co-operatives, supervision, fees…


The Office for Consumer Protection, Agriculture and Land Consolidation is in the Land Berlin, inter alia, responsible for the promotion of the integrated agricultural development, water resources and technical measures. Moreover, it is responsible for the implementation of land consolidation…

International Conventions or Treaties

Ce protocole a été convenu par les Parties contractantes de la Convention sur la protection des Alpes (Convention alpine) soucieuses d'élaborer une procédure efficace de consultation et de règlement des différends dans le cadre de la Convention alpine et de ses protocoles. En cas de…

International Conventions or Treaties

This Protocol has been adopted by the Contracting Parties to implement the Alpine Convention as regards soil conservation. The Protocol takes into account the functions of the Alpine soil as a natural resource, as an archive of natural history, as a location for agricultural use including…

International Conventions or Treaties

Les objectifs d'aménagement du territoire et de développement durable de l'espace alpin visent à: a) Reconnaître les besoins spécifiques de l'espace alpin dans le cadre des politiques nationales et européennes; b) Harmoniser l'utilisation de l'espace avec les objectifs…


Article 1 of the above-mentioned Law establishes that water and soil associations are public bodies based on the law of the Reich or Land with the following tasks: 1) to create, modify and keep in orderly state waters and their banks, to regulate the discharge of waters and to ensure their…


The present Law lays down provisions relating to a general regional land use planning, a charcoal planning and restructuring planning. Such activities shall be carried out with a view to attain a sustainable development and, in particular, to restrain their impact on the environment. Article 14…


The present Law implements article 3 of the Brandenburg Water Law of 8 December 2004. In order to keep the waters as indicated in article 3 of the Brandenburg Water Law, the present Law establishes water and soil associations as listed in article 1. The text deals with the following issues:…


The present Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the distribution of competencies among the various bodies dealing with waste and soil protections issues. The Annex lays down in details authorities competent for specific administrative services renders, such as, for example, finding…


The present Law lays down comprehensive provisions as to the functioning of the Land Registry of Brandenburg. Article 1 establishes that land registries have to be kept by the tribunals of first instance and that the relevant Land Registry Ordinance is to be applied. Article 3 lays down…


The present Law lays down provisions relating to the keeping of the land register of Brandenburg. Measuring of land as well as holding the land property register are both public tasks which according to the present Law are carried out by the Office of Land Mapping and Information of Brandenburg…


The present Law lays down provisions relating to space and land use planning. The land and its partition has to be developed, ordered and secured through efficient land use plans with a view to a sustainable use of natural resources. The text consists of 30 articles divided into 5 Parts as…