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Reports & Research
December 2012

Up until today, rainwater management practices have been promoted regardless of site-specific biophysical characteristics and regardless of the socio-economic and institutional environment. Therefore, low adoption rates and high disadoption rates of rainwater management practices are observed.…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2012

Agricultural water management (AWM) interventions in the Nile Basin are a key to improve agricultural production and productivity. AWM interventions can be categorized based on spatial scales, sources of water and type of technologies for water management in control, lifting, conveyance and…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2012

Stochastic production frontiers of irrigated and rain-fed smallholder agriculture in Tigray, Ethiopia, were fitted to a random sample of irrigated and rain-fed plots to compare their technical efficiencies. Propensity Score Matching Method was applied to select rain-fed plots with comparable bio…

Reports & Research
December 2012

The village baseline of Denbela Saden village in the CCAFS benchmark site of Yabello in Ethiopia took place from 10th to 12th August 2011. Focus group discussions were conducted separately for men and women.
Denbela Saden is a Borana pastoralist village located in a semi-arid area where…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2012

Ethiopia is often highlighted as a country in which a lot of foreign land acquisition is occurring. The extent to which these investments also constitute significant acquisitions of water is the subject of this paper. It is apparent that water availability is a strong driver of the recent surge…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2012

The present report describes the internship done at the ILRI Research Center of Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) from May 2011 to August 2011. This internship was required for the fulfillment of a Masters degree in Economics at the Universit Catholique de Louvain (Belgium). This report is structured in…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2012

This study employs a contingent valuation method to estimate willingness to pay for improved rural water supply. It provides information on the demand for improved services and the potential for them to be sustainable. The analysis was based on data collected from 132 households using rural…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2012

Time series of vegetation indices (VI) derived from satellite imagery provide a consistent monitoring system for terrestrial plant productivity. They enable detection and quantification of gradual changes within the time frame covered, which are of crucial importance in global change studies,…

Reports & Research
December 2012

This paper analyses the impact of a low cost and restricted rights land certification program on the productivity of female-headed households. The analysis is based on plot level panel data from the East Gojjam and South Wollo Zones in the Amhara region of Ethiopia. The results suggest a…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2012

Through six themes: tenure policy; water management; sustainable housing; waste treatment and recycling practices; urban agriculture; and construction practices, nine case studies address diverse urban sustainability challenges facing cities in Peru, Senegal, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, the…

Institutional & promotional materials
December 2012

The objective was to improve agricultural productivity and increase rural income and
food security through agro-based natural resources in the highlands of Eastern Africa, while also scaling up integrated natural resources management innovations with particular focus in Ethiopia and Uganda…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2012

Low water use efficiency is a challenge to crop production in Sub-Sahara African countries. Water is getting continuously scarce due to increased demand and shrinking availability induced mainly by climate change. As agriculture is the major consumer of water, improving crop water productivity…